opening day and new opportunities

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Bobby, wow, my dad really was a hero
Eva yeah hero the fool lost his life
Bobby's mom, can't you say one nice thing about dad damn always so negative.
Eva, you're just like him, ya know
you'll probably end like him too

welcome to the opening
of Longaway Black and son
what we do and who we are
is written in those pamphlets on tables
this company was created in memory of a very close friend
who unfortunately lost life in a battle to get a kidnapped
girl sadly, she lost her life
Det.Raymond Black
did save several other kidnapped girls before he was
killed by the people who kidnapped and trafficked the
girls Lara Jones became special to him he worked hard to find her and get her to safety
now this company is dedicated to rescuing children and women from those sick minded people
we have resources worldwide
the giving those who kidnap and traffic no place to run .
please look around talk to our people there will be free lunch
Thank you all for attending.

Walt, son, that was a little confusing, but I. believe they understood you
Nia, he stayed up all night trying to get words written
Calista, they understood everything .

Dalila RaeWhere stories live. Discover now