Chapter 2- the bet

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*Logan's P.O.V*

Wow this class is soooo boring! I could just fall asleep right now.

Where is that girl?! She said that she would get me out of here!

All those thoughts were going through my mind that I didn't notice kelly peaking through the little window thing on the door.

"Mrs. Manning? Can I be excused because I don't feel well." I said making a sick-looking face to make it more believable.

"I don't know? Can you?"

I could hear some of the class giggling at that... I'm betting it's the nerds in here...

"I mean may I be excused?" I repeated getting a little impatient.

"Hehe yes mr. Ross, you may be excused."

Yay! I'm free from this hellhole!

I hurried out of the class room, and I saw Kelly leaning against the wall.

"Bet you $20 that I can beat you in a race to the car." She said. challenge well herd in her voice, and clear in her hazel eyes.

I smirked at the challenge "your on Kelly,better get your wallet ready to give me my money." Easy $20 I can get. we both know I'm the fastest runner on campus cause I am captain of the football team and track team...

"But-to make things a little more interesting- the loser has to be the winners servant for 2 months" Kelly added

Having Kelly as my servant for 2 months? great!

"Even better. 3,2,1 go!"

And we raced down the dull halls, and out the glass doors. I couldn't believe k was beating me! I mean, sure she wasn't the worst athlete out of the girls, but she also wasn't the best.

I could see my black and red striped mustang from where I am and I used all my energy to try and beat her...

Next thing I know, she was already there at the car.

How did she get there so fast?!

Man... I never gotten beaten at a race.. EVER!!! ESPECIALLY by a girl... Wow I'm feel really humiliated right now...

*later that day*

Well, after our little race, we went to the mall, the ice- cream parlor, the park (note to self: never surprise Kelly on the swings unless you want her to tackle you, sit on you, slap the living crap out of you, yell at you, and lecture you.) and now we're at the beach.

Since I was planning payback on Kelly for what she did to me at to park, why not do it at the beach.


"Yeah Logan?" She turned to me with royal blue eyes with silver flecks... Weren't her eyes hazel earlier? O well... I can't believe that I didn't notice how pretty she actually is before... She looked happy, and curious as to what I was going to say...

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