Chapter 19

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*Logans POV*

I walk through the corridors, trying to find the girls. I haven't seen kelly the past few days and I'm starting to get worried about her.

I finally found the girls at their hang out spot.

"Hey guys, have you seen kelly? I haven't seen her in the last few days and I'm starting to get worried. And all I know is that ya'll are the closes one to her so... Have ya seen her at all lately?"

"No... Not really. We thought she was with you since ya'll are dating." Alex said with a smirk.

"I thought she was with ya'll cause she wasn't with me the past couple of days."

"Well where can she be?" Asked tori.

"I already checked every place that she goes to... Or has told me that she goes to... Anyway she's not in any of those places. So I thought that ya'll might have and idea of where she might be..."

"have you checked your room? Her room? Her house?" Olivia asked.

"Checked her room and of course she's not in my room or I wouldn't have come to ya'll to help me find her. But not the rest of her house..." I said

"Then she's in her house lover boy! Go get your Juliet!" Savannah yelled at me.

I rushed out of the building and hurried towards my mustang and drove off to Kelly's house.

I jumped out the car and scurried up to the front door tripping a few times over my feet. When I finally got to the front door, I was about to knock when when the door partially creaked open. It reminded me of those horror movies when the guy finds the girl murdered.

I slowly walked in to the house. Wow, I haven't been in this house since we were kids, it brought back so many memories.

If I know kelly, which of course I do cause I'm her best friend, she should be in the library....

I cautiously stepped towards the library, making sure to not make a creek and/or sound. As I neared the library doors, I could hear some light sobbing. There was a crack in the door so I peaked inside and I saw k with a book on a podium crying in silence. As I slowly opened the door to get to k, I saw something glinting I front of me... In fact around k, and rings of power were coming from k, like I could see the power radiating off of her skin.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing! After all these years kelly has powers?! But at least she was alright. As I tried backing away in silence so she won't know I was in her house... Let's just say luck wasn't on me side today.

A very loud creek echoed throughout the house.


Hey guys!

Sooooo soooo so so so sorry that I haven't been posting lately,I had to figure out what to actually put for Logan's POV so.....

Anyway, vote if ya'll want the next chapter and comment what you think of this chapter!!!

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