The Aftermath

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*please note: this chapter contains SA warning*

I frantically started searching for my blade, as the realization hit me; I had tossed it to the ground, along with the rest of my weapons, when we encountered Vane. One of them walked around me like a vulture circling its pray. Then he stood in front of me menacingly, as he tossed my hat away, revealing my entire face, while a wicked grin appeared on his, exposed his rotting yellow teeth. «See? Told 'ya she wasn't a man» I wanted to scream. As if he could read my thoughts, he put his hand over my mouth. I bit him. His flesh was hard and resistant. However, my teeth didn't break the skin. They only left a red welt and teeth marks. I saw his pleased expression alter from the pain as he let out a loud grunt and pulled back. «You cunt!» he yelled before slapping me hard across my face with his other hand. I stumbled and fell on the floor. That's definitely going to leave a bruise. The other one towered over me like a vulture and laughed. «Have it your way then. On the floor like a common whore that you are.» he kept smiling. I used both my hands trying to push him off his feet but it was pointless. He picked me up by my hair and slammed my back to the wall, sending another sharp pain through me. I punched him in the belly but it looked as it barely had any impact on him. I landed another kick on his balls which granted me the opportunity to run a few feet away, but not far enough. He then, grabbed me by the arm, swung me around and slapped me so hard it made my ears ring. He brought his body closer to mine while using his other hand to grab both my arms and place them behind my back. «Oi! You can't have it all for yourself» the other shouted behind me.

I could feel his grip tightening around my waist «For a wild bitch, you sure are a bonny lass too aren't ya?» the other said while using his hands to undo my pants. I felt like I was going to pass out, I instinctively closed my eyes shut.

That didn't last long. Some loud screams made me open them again. Few men from Flint's crew busted in. I had never been this glad to see them more in my life, if I was being frank. One of the men who was about to have his way with me tried to reach for his sword but never made it, since one of the men in Flint's crew got to him first, while the other one got shot down by Mr. Scott. «Are you alright?» he asked, I only nodded in response. He offered his hand to help me onto my feet. I wiped a few tears that had found their way down my cheeks and quickly got up, while grabbing a long cutlass that had fallen on the floor from earlier on.

I ran outside on deck. I glimpsed at the town; there was thick grey smoke as far as the eye could see. A couple more cannonballs found their way to the harbor. I saw a rowboat coming out of the smoke. It must be them! I can't believe Vane actually pulled through! I ran down the stairs to the middle of the ship. I got a glimpse of Flint climbing on the upper deck. At once more and more men were now gathering around them. A smile of relief formed on my face. Vane's plan had actually worked! We had saved them. My eyes moved among them, desperately searching for my mother's figure. Flint watched me as I was, hesitantly now, making my way up the stairs. I kept looking around as my pace was now growing slow and each step felt more painful, as I was becoming more and more aware of my mother's absence. My eyes darted from Vane to Flint. "Where is she?" a voice in my head shouted making every other sound cease entirely. But Flint remained silent. I turned to look at Vane. "Where is she?" the voice desperately screamed again, but the words never escaped my mouth. They were both looking at me, mute, only giving me looks of pity. No, it couldn't be... I turned to my left to look at the town ahead of us, like it would give me the answers I was seeking. But the town was silent too. How strange; everything out here had gone quiet and yet in my head there was absolute chaos.
A loud scream from across the ship somehow drew my attention. More and more sounds were slowly reaching to my ears, sounds that hadn't announced their existence before this very moment. «Ophelia!» a distant yelling of my name followed and made me finally turn around. It was Billy. I tried to focus on him but he was too far away. I noticed a half-unconscious man's arm wrapped around Billy's nape and taking a better look I realized that the man was Silver. I run towards them, without giving it much thought, and only when I got close enough, did I see the blood on Silver's leg. «The doctor! Get Howell!» Billy almost shouted at me. Men from both crews were running up and down the deck and I desperately tried to make my way through them until I finally found Dr. Howell -the ship's doctor. I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him close to me so he could hear me clearly. «We need you. Now! It's Silver.» I didn't let go until we stood right outside of the doctor's cabin. I held the door open for him to go inside and then turned my head towards the opposite direction; Flint was still standing by the main mast giving orders to the men below. He seemed occupied so he didn't notice me; Vane on the other hand, was the only one who caught my gaze. I entered the cabin and closed the door behind me. Silver was now laying on a wooden table that was currently being used as a bed, and six men –or maybe seven- from the Walrus crew had gathered around him. Howell had already pulled out his tools on the table. I noticed the wound on Silver's left leg. The cut was deep and a part of his bone was seeable, it's been shattered below the knee; a jumble of flesh, bone, and blood was all that remained. He, on the other hand, didn't even appear to have noticed my presence. One of the men put a bottle of rum in front of Silver's lips, allowing him to take a long sip. I looked at the doctor as he picked up a handsaw. I turned my back to the sight of it and made my way to Silver. His leg was really bad, and we all knew there was only one way to save him. I looked at him, his eyes giving away that Silver knew it too. «Hold him down» The doctor ordered, and two of the men pressed their bodies against Silver's. «No, no, no» I heard him mumble as he was trying to break free. I reached for his hand and held it into mine. He stopped fighting and remained still as his eyes nervously searched for mine. He had somewhat calmed, whimpering softly as a chill shook his body.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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