Urca de Lima

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I went back on my horse and headed to the beach. I have no idea why he would send a word for her, he never involves her in his business, and neither should he. Something was going on and I had to find out, so, I went to the only place I knew I could gather the information I needed.

A friendly face showed itself at the doorstep. «How you doin' Mr. Scott?» the tall African man looked surprised to see me. «I'm glad you're back, Ophelia» he said with a big smile on his face. I've known him since the day we got here and I'd swear he looks like he hasn't aged a day since then. Most of my life's memories as a child include Mr. Scott looking after me every time I'd come here to play with the girl that now owns the place; Eleanor Guthrie. She was only a few years older than me and back then her father used to be in charge in Nassau. Mr. Scott was Eleanor's guardian since her father was absent, at least most of the time. Now that she has rightfully taken her father's place here, I know that it can be of use sometimes. If anything was going on, then she must know what it is.

Mr. Scott and I walked inside and talked for a little bit until suddenly yelling coming from Eleanor's office interrupted us. The first thing we saw, as the door bursted open, was a man storming out angry. As he was coming down the stairs, I got the chance to take a better look at him. I knew who that was; Charles Vane, captain of the Ranger. He and Eleanor had... history. He stormed right past us and with that anger still showing clear as day on his face, turned and looked at me intensely for a second but didn't say a word; just walked outside as if he was in a hurry.

«I must admit, I didn't think you were coming back this time, Ophelia.» a bittersweet smile was written on her face as she closed the door behind her. She wore her blonde hair up and her long striped with black and red skirt down to her shoe-tops, something which as I had learned back in London, signaled a girl's transition to womanhood. Of course when we were little, our fashion sense would demand the exact opposite of that. Hair loose, wearing boys' pants and rarely with any a shirt on, running around Nassau's streets and alleys. Only later, when we reached adolescence, did we begin to look more feminine. She grabbed a bottle of rum that was always on her desk and poured some in her cup. 
«You know... no matter how hard I try, this place will always somehow pull me back here.» I showed her my empty cup by raising it in the air and she slowly started pouring that honey colored liquid into it. The smell of rum filled my lungs.

«You and I both. It would seem this damned island is our curse» she chuckled, though I could say, it was more of a melancholy sound. 

«That's not true. It is just an island and there's a whole world out there, Eleanor. I've seen some of it.» she started drinking from her cup without looking at me. 

«Perhaps for you. Some people are meant to be in one place... and try to make something of it.» she kept her gaze on her now half-filled cup.

«Is this what you're doing here?» I asked her in a low tone, she looked at me for a second then focused back on her brownish drink and took a small whiff. I know that's not something she liked to talk about so I dropped the subject. «Well, like you said, I've been gone for quite a while now. I was wondering if you could fill me in» she pinched her eyebrows together in an expression of disbelief. 

«You mean you haven't seen Flint yet? He's been on the island for two days now.»
«I just got back» I tried to justify myself.
«He says he's found something.» she took a quick sip of her drink and turned her look elsewhere.
«Something..?» I asked curiously, expecting her to finish the sentence.
«A treasure» my curiosity had now grown even bigger. I didn't say anything so she can continue. «He's going after a Spanish galleon.» she paused «The Urca de lima» she said eventually and turned to me again, waiting for my reaction.
«A Spanish galleon?» I gasped. My curiosity was quickly overwhelmed by my rising panic. I took a minute before speaking to her again «And you've agreed to this?»
«I'm certain that if you go to him, he'll explain himself better» she finished her drink with one final sip.
«He'd better...» I mumbled. 

I wandered on down to the beach, under the mercilessly hot sun and the white -even hotter- sand under my boots that would make me slow my pace at every step. However, I did not stop until I finally found the quartermaster of the Walrus ship; Dufresne. After a short objection he eventually led me to his Captain's tent. Flint was sitting behind a big desk and by his side there was another man who I recognized, he was from his crew. They were talking to a third man sitting in front of them; A younger man, that I had never seen before. His hair coming down in curls, raven black curls and with eyes as blue as the deep sea. They both seemed rather angry with him. They stopped talking the moment I entered. Flint's green eyes widened with surprise at the unexpected sight of me. The other man from his crew, seemed both surprised and annoyed by my sudden interruption but didn't say anything. Seeing him standing still, I beckoned him to get out. He let out a gasp of shock while raising his eyebrows at me and then quickly turned to Flint, probably waiting for him to tell me to "fuck off", which of course he didn't. Instead he said «We'll continue this later» and signaled him to leave. Then, I turned my attention towards the younger man waiting for him to get up and leave too, but he didn't even bother to move. «I say you follow his lead.» I told him, pointing behind me at the man that had just exited the tent. I could see the bemused expression on his face, not being sure what to do; he gave Flint a last confused look over his shoulder, before he got up and finally walked outside. Now it's just me and him.

«Welcome back» he said with an innocent tone in his voice.
«I heard about your clever plan. To go after a Spanish galleon» he took a deep breath upon hearing these words.
«Have a seat » he nodded with his head towards the chair in front of me, where the man was sitting before. I crossed my hands, remaining in my current position and waited for him to give me a proper explanation. «It's not just any galleon. It is the Urca de Lima. Filled with more gold and silver than you could ever imagine...» he was talking like he had practiced this speech before. 
«I'm not here for this. I don't need you to persuade me.» I interrupted him before he could continue.
« So, why are you here? » he leaned his head to the side.
«So you can tell me you're joking and you're not actually considering this.» he took his eyes off me for a quick second and placed both his hands on the desk.
«Well, I appreciate your concern but I -» I pulled the chair out towards me and the sound made him stop.
« I'm not here for you.» I gasped, almost sounding offended by his presumption. Eventually, I decided to remain seated in front of him. «You know what I'm here for» I looked directly into his eyes, making sure he understood me. «Have you told her  yet?» His gaze narrowed.
«I will, tonight.» his voice softened and stared at the documents on his desk to avoid looking at me.
«And you think she'll just agree to this?» he didn't reply, but I knew what he wanted to say. «Why are you putting yourself at risk when you can avoid it? This isn't like anything you've done before. It's not a good idea. You know it isn't a good idea. It's foolish and too risky...»
«It's a risk I'm willing to take. I've been planning to do this for a long time now. Had you been here yourself, you'd have known.» he was still avoiding looking in my direction.
«Good thing I wasn't around then.» I crossed my arms.
«I have a plan.» he continued,ignoring my comment and started clearing up the pile of papers that were lying in front of him.
«Oh that's just great!» I said throwing my hands aimlessly in the air. He stopped and sat back in his chair looking straight at me.
«Have you ever even seen a Spanish ship?» he asked.
«I was going to ask you the same question. Because, if you had, you wouldn't even be considering this.» I got a little closer, like I was afraid that someone would hear us «And if that ship carries as much gold, as you say, do you really think it'll be that easy?» I said in a low tone.
«I never said it would be easy but... everything has a weakness.» he gave me a little a smirk, trying to show me he knows what he's doing, but I knew better than this.
«Not even she is going to change your mind on this, now is she?»

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