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A strange noise outside the door made me open my eyes wide and soon realized that I had fallen asleep. It took me a second to return from that state of reverie; I blinked twice, trying to concentrate more to my surroundings. But only a moment had passed before I heard it again... footsteps, someone was coming. I got up but tried not to betray my position by making any unnecessary movements and wore my hat lower to my face. I put my ear closer to the door but the footsteps were barely audible anymore. When I made sure they had left the room, I tried to open the door as slowly and quietly as I possibly could, but the door was old and squeaky. I looked to my right, where the stairs with access to the upper deck were, but there was nobody to be seen. Suddenly I felt something against my back. The more it was touching me, the more certain I was becoming about what that was. «Turn around» I heard a familiar voice behind me. I did what I had been told, without showing my face. My hat was the only thing protecting my identity, but for how long? I could see the man's boots moving towards me as he made a step closer and put the pointy end of his knife to my hat. While slowly raising its edge upwards, revealing my face, I saw John Silver standing across me. With one move he removed it from my head completely and my dark brown hair fell on my shoulders. «What are you doing down here?» said with a look of surprise clear upon his face.
«Did you really think I was just gonna let you going around this ship after our last meeting? When you can easily abroad the moment we arrive in Charlestown and vanish into thin air?» I crossed my arms.
«You don't seem to trust me very much» he gave me a smirk «Well, then again I don't blame you» he still hadn't lowered his weapon. After a small pause he continued «But I don't think that I am the reason you're really here.» he lowered his voice a little.
«What are you talking about?» I frowned.
«I don't think it is me you don't trust. You're here because you don't trust Flint, isn't it?» he lowered his weapon just a little bit and wrapped a loose curl behind his ear with his other hand.
«I'm not obligated to give you an answer» I put my hands on my hips intentionally ignoring the fact that he had a knife in front of me.
«No, I suppose you're not.» he gave me a smirk. «Doesn't this feel familiar? Like it has happened before?» he put effort not to laugh but didn't manage to contain a small laughter. «But since I'm the one with a dagger now, I'm also the one who makes the rules.» he kept his hand steady, few inches from my skin.
«And what exactly does that mean?» I raised my chin.
«Means I want you out of the deal.» he said with a serious tone. I took a minute before answering him.
«And if I refuse?» he didn't say anything, just took his eyes off of me till they stopped at the dagger that he was holding in front of my chest. Then looked back at me and raised an eyebrow, implying that he would use it on me. « I wouldn't recommend you to do that» I continued «Especially here, it would be simply too stupid.» In spite of my answer, Silver didn't look worried. Rather, a hint of amusement played in his eyes. He took a step backwards to take a better look at me.
«Is it now? Because by the looks of it, it seems to me that no one knows you're even here. I could simply kill you, throw your body into the sea and nobody would ever know about this.» he made a good point indeed. No one saw me coming, that was my plan in the first place. There wasn't much I could do now.
«Then what are you waiting for?» I blurted out even before I knew I did. The look on his face revealed that my bluffing wasn't the kind of answer he was expecting to hear. This must've been the stupidest idea I've ever had. Well, there's no going back now. I must not look afraid or I'm done for «I'm right here» I got closer until the blade was touching my chest. But -much to my surprise- he took a step back, instead. This could actually work. No word escaped his mouth, just left staring as the pointy end of his blade was going up and down by the rhythm of my breathing. He could end that with one stab. I saw the thought crossing his mind as his face went dark for a brief moment. «No» he announced eventually. «I have a better idea.» he took another step back «You see, at the moment, I'm in desperate need to gain our Captain's favor..» he put his knife back to its leather case « ..and informing him that we have a stowaway on the ship, will give me just that.» he gave me another smirk and turned around to leave. I followed him –since I was out of options- taking the stairs to the upper deck where the rest of the crew was.
We are far from Nassau now, so it wouldn't matter if they find out about my presence here. It is too late to turn back anyway.

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