Chapter 37 - Olivia

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I can't believe I let him have sex with me. I didn't mean to. I was going to be good and do as he said in order to gain his trust, but I wasn't going to do this. Yet, when his hand went down on me, I froze. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. I just sat there frozen in place as he did his business. I wasn't scared. I wasn't sad. I was just numb.

It's been hours, and I still can't wrap my mind around it. It feels like it was another nightmare, like it couldn't have been real, it couldn't be happening to me. Why didn't I react? Why didn't I try to fight him off a little harder? I could have kicked him, hell, I could have grabbed his dick and break it in half as he took his pants off. But for some reason, I didn't...

Right now, all I can think of is Aaron. He doesn't deserve this. He is probably torturing himself trying to find me, and I am out here having sex with someone else instead of trying to find a way out. I don't deserve him. I am a horrible person. I am fucking disgusting.

This wouldn't be happening if I agreed to go into witness protection. My ego wouldn't let me, because I didn't want to show anyone how scared I was of Chax. And look where that got me now... I'm supposed to play house with him. The last thing I remember was Rosaline insisting I shouldn't drive to the witness house we were headed to. I don't remember stopping anywhere in between or even arriving at the location. He was probably hiding in the backseat.

Is he blackmailed Rosaline? Does he have her too?

But how did Rosaline know about a witness when Andy hadn't even mentioned it to the newest files on Chax's case? She wanted me out of the building. The question is did she bring me to him willingly or is he blackmailing her?

If Rosaline is working with him, it would make sense how he knew Aaron. And it would explain how he stayed under the radar all those years without ever been caught by any net. But what does she hold against me? She saw my condition 15 years ago, she was there. Why would she ever help him? What did I do to her?

In my attempt to forget the morning events, I've been wrecking my brain all day to find a reason she would do this. Yes, she lost me for 26 hours when we were undercover. But she never got demoted or punished -other than a week suspension. She still works with Andy to this day. She never complained about it.

"Peach..." he calls as he walks in the room. I flinch, but I'm able to hide it from him. "I brought you your tea. Don't worry, I know how you like it. It's time for you to get up. I got us a date tonight"

"It's a little hard to do that, considering...", I move my chained hand.

"I will give you some freedom since you've been so good and quiet all day" he states as he takes the key out of his pocket.

He releases my hand, but at the same time locks another bracelet around my risk. "Try anything..." he warns and shows me a keychain with a lighting sign on

"It's ok. You will see that you can trust me soon" I reassure him as I touch his cheek. At the same time, I want to cut my hand off. "You think I haven't noticed you watching me all those years? All those nights I walked naked around the house was all for you. I was calling you to come in, baby"

"I needed to rebuild my fortune before coming to get you"

"I know, and that's ok"

He grab my hand, "Then why did you fuck him?"

"Because he was giving me information on your case. That was the only way I could make sure you wouldn't get caught again" I lie

"Rosaline was already doing that".

There we go.

"Seriously?" I chuckle, "You think you can trust her? She was the one who gave you up the first time. She is jealous of us, she wants you to herself" I act worried

"You're all mine, peach. I'm not going anywhere" he tells me

"Thank you".

"Now, come on. Dress up for me, will you? The closet is full of your favorites" he informs me.

I nod and get out of bed. I had hoped he'd leave me alone for this. Instead, he gets comfortable on the bed and turns the TV on. It's fine, I can improvise. I just have to forget that it is Dwayne Chax and pretend that is any other unsub. He has gone completely crazy, forgetting his smart and calculated self of 15 years ago. He is acting on pure emotions so it shouldn't be too hard to manipulate him. I just have to be patient and find the right opening.

I look through the closet, cautiously. Pretty soon I realize these are all my clothes. He has taken all the clothes from my closet, and I know that because some of them have the adjustments and tailoring I had had done. He was in my house... I just wish Aaron wasn't home then. If he hurt him--

"Peach, come look at this..." Dwayne calls.

I turn and follow his gaze to the TV. I see my photo on the news. He turns the volume up, "... breaking news from Virginia. FBI Agent Olivia Stephens was found dead a little outside of the FBI's headquarters. last night".

My heart sinks. Anyone could be seeing this right now; Aaron, David, Jackson, Mom. Oh my-- No! I have to keep myself together. If he sees I'm upset, I'll never get hi--

"...Internal Affairs has already made an arrest on the case. Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner has reportedly followed Stephens that night out of work. Coworkers mentioned the two had numerous fights and arguments from the moment she took on as his supervisor".

"See? I made sure no one bothers us" Dwayne says.

"No, you... You framed Aaron" tears form in my eyes

"I took him out of the way. Why do you care?" he questions

I suck it up and clear my throat, "I just thought it would be better if he had to live with his failure. Knowing I picked you over him...".

He drops his head. "Oh, Olivia..."

Electricity travels through my entire body. I fall to the ground shaking. It stops when Dwayne reaches me. He grabs me by the throat and slams me against the wall.

"You gave yourself away just now" he says, squeezing my neck. The air gets knocked out of my lungs.

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