The district boy: part 2

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———————— Arachne POV————————-

Arachne crane couldn't wait to go to the academy
Not because she liked it but because she couldn't wait to see livia again, she had told her parents all about livia and how she was her best friend and it seemed that her parents approved, and so with her hair in ponytails and dressed in her uniform arachne got into her family's drivers car and she was driven to the steps of the academy

Getting out of the car she made her way up the seemingly endless steps she made it halfway up the steps when she heard a familiar voice shout her name

"Arachne!!"- turning around arachne smiled at the sight of her best friend livia bounding her way up the steps and hugging her excitedly, arachne returned the hug and immediatley falls into conversation with livia who starts talking about this dress that her dad bought her and that she couldn't wait to show arachne after school and arachne couldn't wait to see it.

as they made their way to class and sat in their seats they were informed that they and that he was from the districts.

what?! hell no! there was no way that she was going to share a classroom with the same district animals that killed her brother so when sejanus plinth stood in front of the class and offered some kind of food arachne shouted that he probably had diseases and that she would never accept anything from him and this set off the class who started insulting and laughing at him arachne chuckled at plinny's comment about district kids being born filthy  and then she hears livia yell that the boy had no right to be here and it was after that the district scum ran out the classroom

('good') arachne thought as she went about her day and but however during lunch she found out that Persephone price was hanging out with plinth she was angry no scratch that she was furious!, she would be having words with price tomorrow.

tomorrow came and arachne was waiting by the classroom door along with livia who had noticed how upset he was and offered to help her which made arachne smile on the inside, but she was not smiling on the outside, and when she saw plinth enter she ignored him and when she saw persephone she whispered not so quietly in her ear " you shouldn't sully yourself with filth persephone" 

the other girl stopped and looked at her hesitantly before saying "he's not filthy"

arachne huffed and shoved persephone's shoulder before making her way to her seat and sitting down and pulling out her notebook, looking over she saw persephone sitting next to sejanus arachne told herself that she would deal with him at lunch and make persephone see reason.

when lunch came arachne ate and waited at the playground and when she saw them on the swings she ignored plinth as she walked up behind persephone and shoved her off the swing and onto the ground, the other girl quickly turned back around in shock and tears in her eyes         ('good')  


but she cut her off- "i thought i told you not to hang out with filth persei"

persephone looked upset before she shot back and said that sejanus was her friend after hearing that arachne angrily grabbed the other girl by the collar of her uniform and proceeded to tell persephone that she's a traitor and before she could say more she felt sand hit the back of her head

sand.... who the fuck threw sand at her!?

"l-leave her alone"

.('sejanus...SEJANUS FUCKING PLINTH!!!!!!')

arachne whirled around to face him with a fury in her eyes

"how dare you, you district trash!!!!!" arachne didn't hesitate she raised her hand and struck the boy in the face

sejanus held the right side of his face tears streaming down his face before he ran to get away from the laughing crowd of kids which made arachne smile then she turned back to face persephone but before she could say anything the other girl struck her in the face then saying that she was the trash then ran off presumebly after plinth leaving arachne standing with a stinging pain on her cheek.

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