The district boy: part 3

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————————— Sejanus POV—————————

Sejanus hated it in the capitol, everything is grey and dull, the people here are mean and cruel , it wasn't his choice to leave district 2 it was his father who took him and his ma from their home to this place that was the worst place he'd ever been I wasn't like his home
His home was colorful, here everything was lifeless and grey

His first day of the academy he's been mocked, bullied, and ridiculed and treated like dirt and he thought bitterly that this would be his new reality

And then later that same day he would meet Persephone price who offered to be his friend and at first he didn't believe her and part of him still doesn't but when he told her that he's be her friend s he swore he saw tears in her eyes and having her around and talking with her had been the only good thing about his day

The next day he saw arachne shove Persephone and the other kids started bullying her and it started with insults then they started throwing things at her..... all because she chose to be friends with him

And then at lunch Sejanus had been sitting on the swing with Persephone talking about toys when suddenly she was shoved on to the ground by arachne who then proceeded to call her a traitor
He saw the tears in Persephone's eyes and Sejanus wasn't going to let his first and probably only friend be treated badly because of him and so he grabbed a handful of sand and threw it at arachne hitting her in the back of the head
Which caused arachne to turn around and advance on him yelling at him before he felt the stinging pain of being slapped in the face.

Sejanus ran down the hallway until he found a corner he proceeded to sit down and hold his head in his hands as he cried for several minutes

"Sejanus?" - he looked up at the sound of his name and saw Persephone standing in front of him looking at him with worry and concern

"Are you okay?" — she asks
He lowered his head on his knees avoiding her gaze
'Why is she here she should stay away from him, all he's brought to her is harm and scorn, she'll be better off without him'

He looks to his right side when he feels Persephone sit next to him shoulder to shoulder
And they sit in silence before she asks him if he's okay

"No"— he answers "I want to go home"

She looks at him before telling him that at the e d of the day his family will come pick him up and that he shouldn't worry

" I mean my real home! — he snapped at her causing Persephone to jump back slightly
Instantly he felt horrible he shouldn't have snapped at her, it's not her fault

"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have snapped, I meant that my real home is district two"

She just looked at him and Sejanus realized that he might have made a mistake by saying that but before he could backtrack he felt Persephone hug him, he stiffened before he hugged back

"I'm sorry" - she said before pulling away and taking one of his hands in hers and pulling him to his feet before hugging him again and as if she could read his mind told him the she'll always be his friend and for the first time since coming to the capitol he felt happy.

At the end of the day he invited Persephone to his house and she hesitated then agreed and proceeded to wait with him until his family driver pulled up in front of them and he opened the back door and held it open for her and she got in and then he got in next to her shutting the door.

When they got to his fathers mansion he proceeded to introduce Persephone to his Ma who quickly took a liking to her and before dinner he showed Persephone his room and he could tell that Persephone looked fascinated as he told her all about district 2 culture and she even asked him questions about his home which he happily answered.

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