A happy family

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⚠️ Warning! There will be mentions of blood and torture! Romano is a maffia boss after all 😉

Y/N: your name
E/C: eye colour

It was a Saturday night, your husband Romano, also known as Lovino or South Italy was out working late.
He owned the club you were in as he owned pretty much the entirety of r Naples, where the both of you lived.
You were chatting with your friend and brother-in-law Feliciano, who went on and on about pasta. Don't get it wrong, you adored a good pasta but having to hear about it ALL the time was much.
You glanced up at the window that overlooked the club, behind it you saw your husband talking to a couple of his business partners. Today was with Antonio and... was that Arthur? You smirked at him when he glanced back at you before rolling his eyes as you winked at him.
You took another sip of your port wine and turned your attention back at your friend.
However, a man walked up to you and pushed him
"Hello there, sweetheart, could I buy you another one of those wines?" He said with slurred words, he was drunk. You were about to decline when he wrapped and arm around you.
"GO AWAY!" You yelled, strangers looked at you, Feliciano was running off to get Ludwig or your brother, you didn't quite know.
"Hey now, no need to be rude," the man said, gripping your arm so tight that it actually hurt.
"Let. Me. Go." You said again, but he didn't listen he only pulled you close to him, making you crash into his chest. His other hand went to your ass.
"I TOLD YOU TO LET ME GO!" You yelled, hitting his chest hoping he'd let go.
"You're coming with me~" he whispered in your ear, you looked up at the window only to find Lovino gone. Shit.
Soon enough Antonio stopped the man.
"I surgest you let mi Hermana go," he warned, grabbing the man's arm.
The man laughed
"and what are you gonna do about it, kill me?"  He teased, looking him hard in the eyes.
"Ah-" you breathed as he twisted your arm.
"No, but I will, so let mia moglie, go." Your husband said, his hand gripping that one that held you and twisted it until you heard a pop. The man screamed as you quickly pulled your bruised wrist to your chest.
"What the hell man! I was only joking!" The man screamed. Lovino ignored him his focus fixed on you "are you-a all right mi amore," he asked, you nodded still too stunned about everything that just happened. Seeming satisfied he looked back at the man who assaulted you.
"Antonio, take him-a to my office, he and I are going-a to have a little chat about-a consent." Romano ordered, Antonio dragged the man by his good arm.
"Are you sure-a that you're alright?" Lovino asked again, you smiled up at him, kissing his cheek.
"Yeah, my arm is a little sore but I'm ok." You said.
Lovino nodded, kissing your cheek in return when his younger brother and his friend came running.
"There-a you are! You left my wife alone-a when that creep assaulted her?!" Romano yelled, Feliciano stopped dead in his tracks
"so, but I only went to get Ludwig!" He argued.
"You should've come to get me immediately, you idiota!" Romano yelled.
You sighed "is it ok if I just wait at home for you?" You asked, Lovino's eyes softened and nodded.
"Take-a her home." Romano said to Feliciano who nodded as he ran to get the car ready. Ludwig followed him with a grunt.
"See you at home," you said as you pecked your husband's lips which curled up into a smile.
"See you at home bella" he replied.

You where home alone, well almost alone, Feliciano and Ludwig were in their bedroom doing, god knows what.
You were waiting for your husband on one of your elegant red sofa's in your big living room.
You had a blanket draped over your crulled up legs and a book in your lap, only you couldn't focus on it as your husband was still out there.
Your worries were immediately gone when you heard the door open and close, "I'm-a home mi amore!" He called out, followed by the shuffling sound of him taking his coat and shoes off.
You walked up to him, noting his wet hair and the red under his nails and the small spot on his cheek.
"What happened?" You asked, Lovino looked up at you, "ah, complications with that idiota from earlier," he grumbled as he walked up to you, holding you by the waist.
"Glad to be home though," he said, kissing your nose.
"What complications?" You asked, Lovino raised his brows. "You want to know?" He asked surprised, you normally wanted to stay out of his business. This time was different apparently.
"Antonio and I beat-a the crap out of the asshat. He still would apologise so I shot him. I had to clean myself off before going out.-" he was cut off by you kissing him out of nowhere. The kiss heated as you toyed with the hair at the back of his hair.

Mafia boss!Romano X Reader: a happy family (lemon) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin