Chapter 01: A rider and black magic

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It all started with the Deadmans' first real assault. Many outside Fenix's research department, but when he was purifying the Vistamp, George Karizaki wasn't alone. He was accompanied in this task by someone he supported. A young man in apprenticeship who had to occupy an ill-regarded post: that of trainee.

His name was Asante Railly. He was French, with medium-length black hair, blue eyes and a height of 1m75. But often in this country, thanks in part to a certain despicable American youtuber, he's better known as a Gaijin.

Luckily, unlike most trainees, even more so with his ethnicity, George didn't just explain things to him quickly and leave him to cope with thankless tasks. He did things in pairs. The young man's thirst for knowledge reminded George of his early days with his father. His interest in the scientist's innovations also flattered his ego, but nobody knew that.

His internship came to an end with the attack on the Deadmans' base, and he took advantage of the fact that George was away to copy all George's research data onto one of the hard drives he'd taken with him.

He had no desire to steal them, far from it; he was just looking for something to chase them with, dreaming, like George, of creating his own Kamen Rider.

When he finally left the Fenix base, after greeting George, he came across the team in charge of bringing in Giff's Coffin. This awakened something in him without him realizing it at the time. Something dark.

But it didn't stop there: he was approached to join Weekend, a secret organization with the same goal as Fenix. He worked for them this time, assisting their leader: Masumi Karizaki, George's father.

Masumi taught him more about the design of Vistamps, and when George joined the organization he taught him even more, including how to design safe Demon Drivers without the setbacks of the first. And after designing several for Weekend soldiers. He left the organization for fear of being targeted by Giff's demon followers.

But he didn't leave empty-handed: he had copied the development data and plans of all the Drivers and Vistamps in the Weekend database, from Karizaki father and son, as well as enough material to design the Driver he wanted to create without them realizing the missing resources.

It was complicated, but he brought a duffel bag with the excuse that he was going to spend all night at HQ to make as many Demon Drivers as possible before leaving. All he had to do was put the stolen equipment in his bag with some clothes over it to conceal it if anyone decided to open it afterwards.

He had doubts about the morality of his actions. But then a voice spoke, motivating him to continue.

But Asante's interactions with Kamen Rider and the demons didn't stop there. As he boarded a plane for a well-deserved vacation after all that, before returning to his homeland.

But the plane was hijacked by an armed team intent on kidnapping two people: Genta and Yukimi Igarashi.

Luckily, he was able to sneak out of the plane and hide, until he saw... Kamen Rider Revice.

Or so he thought, but this rider was different. He looked like Revice, but he was different. He did, however, recognize the Vistamp at his waist as a modified version of the Thunder Gale Vistamp.

The situation was resolved the next day, but Asante couldn't stop thinking about that Vistamp, and after seeing what it could do in action, he wanted to create one just as powerful. And that voice in his head wanted that power too.

This brings us to the present.

He was back in his native America, in the house his parents rented for his studies.

Kamen Rider Revixe: A New Sacrament (Reika Kitami x OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें