Chapter 03: From master and disciple to lover

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A week had passed since Sophie and Wales's depraved conversion ritual, there had been no Deadman attacks and the number of members of Kitami's new alliance had risen from four to fifteen without a hitch. As she learned more about the student body, it became clear to her that this high school was fertile ground for her effective forms of corruption.

As she "recruited" members of the Alliance, Kitami saw her heart racing, truly alive as she set about corrupting all those who were once so innocent and increasing the power of her magic with every soul blackened by her depraved power.

As pleasure and depravity began to ravage the school, Asante found some of Kitami's actions questionable, but he almost didn't care. It was perhaps a cult of black magic, a little satanic on the edges, in which he willingly participated. But his priority at the moment was to recover the stolen Vistamp. And he had to admit he'd begun to fall in love with her, endorsing and even appreciating her actions.

This made him wonder if it was her demon still influencing him. Or if, by dint of Kitami's company, his morality was gradually disappearing.

"I can't decide if I love it or hate it... I've become addicted to lust and I love it, but I feel... different..." Asante sighed as he stood in the high school bathroom. He splashed water on his face, trying to straighten himself out before heading off to his next class. Looking in the mirror, Amy's reflection suddenly appeared, making him jump and turn to see that she was smiling at him.

"Despite what you think, you seem to be enjoying all this."

"I am... it's just... I don't know how to feel about it all..."

"Aw... you still have some of your cute guy innocence, huh."

"Yeah, but it's tearing me up inside. I've done a lot of questionable things in my life. But part of me doubts, about going on."

"Do you need me to silence that doubt?" Kitami smiled, Asante sighed as she leaned against the sink.

"That would be nice, yes. But I don't know if it'll do me any good to lose a bit more of my moral compass."

"Don't worry, you'll feel lighter." Kitami giggled, grabbing the collar of his shirt, drawing his lips against hers as she chanted a spell before sealing their kiss.

A sudden wave of warmth invaded Asante, all his anxiety and doubts suddenly dissipated as his desires took a little more control over his morals. He couldn't help moaning as her lips parted from his.

"Go and enjoy yourself Asante, don't forget to get everyone together for an after-school activity."

"Of course, mistress." Asante replied, forcing himself a little on the word mistress.

He still wasn't under the influence of their pact, so he had to force himself at times to act like one so she wouldn't suspect anything. This was necessary until the moment came when the masks came off.

He left the bathroom, leaving Kitami to laugh behind her lips. Turning to look in the mirror, she saw her own reflection, aged so far despite being in Amy's body.

"Has it really been that long since it started...? ? " Kitami sighed, rubbing her hands over the sides of her face.

Although she was still attractive, the wrinkles of age had begun to surround her eyes, and her skin wasn't as vibrant as it once was. Fourteen years of inactivity was a long time, and judging by her image in the mirror, she was approaching fifty. Memories of the events leading up to the present day flooded her mind as she stared into the mirror like a void of nothingness.

For a moment, Kitami felt her humanity returning; memories of the time before her tragic fate and thoughts of Minase flashed before her eyes. She wondered whether she should go further with Asante. As far as she'd wanted to go back then with Minase, if he hadn't betrayed her. Before he was turned against her too...

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