Chapter 4: Magic Class

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"Studying hurts my brain..."

I was lying face down on my desk feeling exhausted... from having to take in so much information. It felt as if my brain was going to melt.

Meanwhile, Ren was doing his own studies in his seat.

"If you don't want to repeat a year, then do better."

His comment only made me groan in response.

"I wanna sleep already..."

It felt like my head was spinning around. The information given to me flew over my head and I felt completely drained.

For a few moments, I was completely focused and almost understood everything. One second later, I lost focus and got confused by what was in front of me.

"Please let it be weekend already..."

I said in a weak voice, causing Ren to look up from his textbook and stare at me with his usual deadpan expression which didn't help at all.

"It's only the first week of school. Come on, man. You passed the entrance exams."


Today, we were having our history class. This time, we had a human teaching us. His name was Sir Arran. 

He was wearing a fancy brown suit and his hair was slicked back. His jawline was sharp and he had some facial hair, his mustache was also well-trimmed. This gave him the impression of a dignified Englishman.

In other words, This guy looked like he was from the 70s.

But he had the eyes of a predator... it was as if he was a machine built to hunt down slackers like me.

So I raised my chin and pretended to be paying attention to the lesson. I didn't want him to call me to the front and make me answer a question.

I really don't want that to happen.

"And that's how humans won against the monsters centuries ago."

I snapped out of my thoughts and saw that the class was now over. Thank goodness, I could finally rest my mind. Even if it was only for a few moments. There was still the next class, so I had to be ready.

Sir Arran picked up his bag and left the classroom. The door was shut, creating an echo. That's how silent the classroom was.

It seems like I wasn't the only one trying to avoid being called by the teacher. In my previous school, I was always being called by the teacher for not paying attention.

Not very pleasant memories.

"Man, how do you just breeze through every class? You make it look easy..."

My comment only made Ren shake his head in response.

"Just pay attention."

That's easier said than done. But okay, I'll try to do that. 

We all sat in silence waiting for our next teacher to arrive. Since we were unfamiliar with the schedule, we had to guess which subject it was.

So I rested my head on my desk while daydreaming. 

It'd be really nice to be rich and not have any problems... I could imagine myself blowing money on nice cars, high-quality clothing, getting a nice computer, and doing other wealthy people things. 

A life like that was probably impossible for someone like me. But I could still imagine living a life like that.

That sounded nice.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 15 ⏰

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