...or maybe not.

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**???'s Pov**

I'm suddendly snapped out of my state of madness and rage by a sneeze. It felt like a ton of thoughts were dropped in the same instant. I turned my head around, snappy, with wide eyes. I must have looked like a lunatic to the average person. My eyes laid on a guy. He must have been around 18. A guy, with a greek nose, tan skin and black hair. His eyes were narrowed in confusion, distrust, and the brows knitted to show that my presence was clearly already unwanted. But I didn't ask to be dropped on a rando's lawn.

**Craig's pov**

"Is this your lawn?"
The unknown female figure before me asked, cautious, and as distrusting as me. Her whole stance showed she was alert, yet still tense from the previous outburst.

"Yes." I replied, dry. I hoped that whoever this lady was would take her weird hobby somewhere else, as soon as possible. But instead, she replied:

"This is Earth, right?". Who the fuck asks that question, anyway? Her tone gave off the idea that she knew that already, but was asking for a confirmation to something she didn't wanna believe. Of course this is Earth. She must be either a really dumb or a really intoxicated cosplayer.

"Yes. Comic-Con was last month tho." I replied, aware and uncaring of how insufferably sassy I must appear to others. The much expected sigh of annoyance didn't come though, and instead was followed by something unusual;

"What the hell is that?" the mysterious girl asked, turning fully towards me. I noticed she wasn't slurring her words, weirdly enough. Maybe she wasn't a drunkard then. And neither was I. I looked at her, suspicious.

"Who even are you, and why are you in my front lawn?". I asked, not giving a crap about explaining to a stranger what a convention is.

**???'s pov**

What is Comic-Con? And how do you explain to a human what actually happened without them thinking I'm crazy? I thought, staring down at the guy wearing full blue except for the now muddy black Reeboks.
"It's not important, I can go away."

"It's mighty important. You're on my lawn. I heard a loud thud. What the hell are you doing out here?" The guy said, sharp and concise. His eyes were almost black, as the night didn't let me see their true colour.

I sighed a little. Rethinking about the whole ordeal Up Above was just making me want to scream but I had to calm myself down. I intertwined the fingers of my hands except for the pointers, that laid against each other. I looked at him. What did I even have to lose now, anyway.

"I assume you don't believe in angels."

He looked at me like you would look at an alien, or a crazed person. It was an annoying smirk. One that turned into contempted disgust pretty fast, his neat black eyebrows raised in a humoured way.

"Do I look like I wanna put up with your bullshit? Come on, come clean. Are you here to rob our house or something? Why are you dressed that way? What is that stuff you have on your back?"

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