Chapter II, Page XII: Fuck the Rich

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Iron Man 3
April, 2013


It had been seven long years since Jean, Scott, and Charles had died. Hell, [Y/N] was thirty-two years old now. He, still, does not have a full grip on his mutation, but he's gotten more comfortable with it over the years. In 2007, he was hired by a modeling agency—a mutant modeling agency. Needing money since he didn't really have a job, he agreed to it. 'X Models' was the name, coming from how the mutant gene is called the X-Gene. At first, [Y/N] thought it was a porn industry because of how 'x' is usually in the company name of such things... Anyway!

As he got more known from the modeling agency, seeing how people really must have liked the vampire troupe they always had him doing, he slowly grew more confident in his mutation—in his body. He's been letting his wings show in public every now and then, taking baby steps. He still wore the glasses; it was more for a fashion thing, and that it was something Charles had given him, and now Charles was gone. 

In 2008, he really started to get more recognition, but not even from the whole X-Men thing, which he still did. He was always going to be a member of the X-Men; no modeling agency was stopping that. It was something about a thing called... Twilight? Yeah, he had no clue, but the vampire thing was going wild in that year to the point where the modeling agency had to provide him with bodyguards for a period of time.

As the years continued to pass, he had continuously looked for Mystique; he would not give up until he found her, and he has yet to. He hung out with Erik a lot; he didn't want Erik to be alone, and no matter how much Erik told him he didn't need his pity, he would continue to go visit Erik. Hell, Erik even trained him on how to use Erik's mutation. They had a lot of fun with that, messing with the school, Logan, and Storm, mainly. It was all harmless little tricks and jokes, though.

He helped Storm as much as he could around the school, substituting for classes that he was able to teach for, mainly the X-Men training classes. He went out with Bobby, Rogue, Kitty, and Colossus for lunch whenever he could, and he'd always come back to have dinner with Logan, with Storm sometimes joining them. The school was one big family, and even though Erik wasn't there, he was their family too, at least to [Y/N] he was.

In 2012, he met a man named Loki. He was a cutie, but his outfit was strange. He had a helmet with long horns; the helmet was more ridiculous than Erik's dorky one. Loki was looking for something called the Tesseract. [Y/N] told him he could find it 'back at his place'. He may have been a little tipsy when he met Loki. It was safe to say he got his ass knocked out after that, and not in a good way.

He had, however, been mind-controlled by Loki for some time. He was fighting some people called The Avengers until the X-Men showed up, and Logan quite literally picked him up and brought him home. It was safe to say that he got a lecture after that, even though he was mind-controlled.

It was 2013, and he had been sent on a lone mission. The million-billion-whatever-ionair had stupidly leaked his address to the whole public, and now his house was in the ocean. His mission? Find Tony Stark, whether he was dead or alive. Bring his ass home. God, he hated being a good guy sometimes.

He had searched the ruins of Tony's house, specifically what remained of the basement. He found an artificial intelligence named Jarvis, and God almighty, was it a stubborn bastard of a thing to crack open. He thought Cerebro was complicated, but no. He literally called Hank to help him, and in the end, he found the last location ping that the suit Tony was in had given.

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