Chapter 1 : Vanishing acts

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The news anchor's voice echoed through the dressing room, the somber tone cutting through the air like a knife . Stray kids huddled around the television, their faces filled with concern as they listened to the breaking news report.

" ...the disappearance of four young women who attended the stray kids concert last night has sent shockwaves through the community..."

Changbin's jaw tightened as he absorbed the gravity of the situation, his mind racing with questions and fears . Beside him , Hyunjin's hands trembled slightly, his eyes darting between the screen and his bandmates.

Felix leaned in closer, his forehead wrinkled as he focused. He tries to make sense of the unfolding tragedy. " This can't be happening, " he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Before they could process the news , their manager burst into the room , his expression grave and urgent. " We need to talk ," he said , his voice cutting through the tense silence like a siren . " There's been an incident".

The room fell silent as the gravity of their manager's words sank in . Bangchan stepped forward, his voice steady but tinged with concern. " What kind of incident?"

Their manager sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair as he struggled to find the right words . " Four fans went missing after last night's concert, " he explained, his tone grim ." It's all over the news ."

Felix's eyes widened in shock , his mind with disbelief. " But how is that possible? We have security measures in place , don't we ?"

Their manager nodded solemnly. " We do , but it seems they weren't enough. We need to reassess our security protocols and figure out what went wrong . "

Han and IN looked at each other . Changbin's fists clenched at his side's , frustration shimmering beneath the surface. " We can't just sit back and do nothing, " he said , his voice right with emotions. " We need to find those fans and bring them back safely ".

Their manager nodded in agreement, his expression grim . " I've already contacted the authorities, but we need to do everything we can to help with the search ."

As the conversation with the staff unfolds , tensions rise and emotions run high as stray kids grapple with the shocking turn of events.

After sometime the stage was set , the crowd buzzing with anticipation as stray kids took their positions . The air crackled with energy as they launched into their performance, their voices ringing out with passion and intensity.

But as they sang , their attention was suddenly diverted by bursts of fireworks illuminating the night sky . Bangchan 's heart pounded in his chest as he scanned the audience, his eyes searching desperately for any sign of trouble.

" What's going on ? " Lee know shouted over the noise , his voice barely audible above the roar of the crowd.

" I don't know" Felix replied , his eyes wide with concern. " But something doesn't feel right "

Before they could react , a panicked voice cut through the Chaos , sending a chill down Bangchan's spine . " My best friend, she was next to me , but she's gone . "

The crowd erupted into a frenzy as stray kids tried to calm them , their voices drowned out by the cacophony of panicked screams and shouts . Bangchan's mind raced with fear and uncertainty as he tried to maintain control, his heart heavy with the weight of responsibility.

" We need to do something," he shouted to his bandmates over the din . " We can't just stand here while people are missing!"

Hynjin nodded in agreement, his eyes blazing with determination. " Let's get off stage and help search for them ."

With a sense of urgency, stray kids descended from the stage , their hearts pounding with adrenaline as they joined the frantic search for the missing fans . But despite their efforts, the night ended in turmoil and uncertainty, with no sign of the missing fans .

The next day dawned with a sense of dread hanging in the air . The news was grim , another six young women reported missing , leaving stray kids reeling with shock and confusion. " How come our fans disappear In front of our eyes ?" Han asked while looking at his members. " This makes no sense at all " Seungmin replied. Bangchan's forehead wrinkled as he paced the room , his mind racing with possibilities.

" We can't just ignore this , " he said to their manager , his voice firm and resolute " we need to put a stop to the concerts until we figure this out . "


Meanwhile , across town , Eunji , a 23 year old girl , sat transfixed by the television screen , a sinister smile playing on her lips as she watched the news unfold . " There is more to come , " she whispered to herself, her laughter echoing in the dimly lit room .

With a sense of anticipation, she descended inside her dark basement, her mind already plotting her next move .

In the dimly lit basement, Eunji's laughter rang out like a haunting melody as she moved through the shadows. " Have you guys seen someone as pretty as me ?" She asked , her voice dripping with venom . " No ? Well , you won't be seeing anyone else ever again . How does it feel to be all tied up inside a dark basement?"

She circled her captive audience , her movements predatory as she reveled in their fear and helplessness. " Are you scared ?" She whispered, her voice low and menacing. " You guys haven't seen someone who is pretty like me , right ?"

The captives remain silent , their eyes wide with terror as they struggle against their restraints . Eunji's laughter filled the air , a chilling soundtrack to their nightmare.

With a sense of satisfaction , Eunji leaned in close , her breath hot against their skin . " This is just the beginning, " she whispered, " there is more to come "

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