Chapter 3 : Stray kids' dilemma ( part 1)

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In the dead of night , Bangchan jolted awake to the sound of insistent knocking at his door . Startled, he stumbled out of bed and hurried to answer it . Standing before him was one of his security guards, his face tense with worry .

" Sir , all of your fans have gathered around your apartment building, " the guard explained urgently. " They're are trying to force their way inside . This is a major security breach . If they manage to get in - "

Bangchan interrupted, disbelief colouring his voice . " How do they know my address?" He demanded.

" I'm not sure sir , but this is a serious invasion of your privacy. please , you need to do something about it . We'll handle things downstairs," the guard replied before rushing off to deal with the situation.

Bangchan closed the door , feeling a sense of dread wash over him . He rushed to the window and peeked through the curtains . outside, he saw a sea of faces , desperate and frenzied .

The realisation hit him hard - his private space had been violated, his sense of security shattered. Panic rose within him as he grappled with the unexpected threat .

Frantically, he called his manager his voice trembling with urgency.
" Manager , something serious is happening. There are fans outside my apartment. How did they find me ? What should I do ?"

On the other end , his manager's voice was calm but concerned. " We're aware of the situation, Bangchan. These aren't ordinary fans . They're saesangs, and they pose a real threat . Our security team is on their way , but you need to leave your apartment immediately and come to the safety of our headquarters."

" But how ?" Bangchan protested, anxiety coursing through him .

" Don't worry , your body Guards are on route ," the manager reassured him .  "Make sure to cover yourself and blend in . We'll ensure your safety once you're here ."

With a heavy heart Bangchan ended the call and hurriedly packed his things . As he left his apartment, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, the unsettling presence of the saesang fans looming around him .

Meanwhile, at the entertainment company headquarters, JYP was briefed on Bangchan's situation. His expression darkened as he listened, his mind racing with concern.

" This is unacceptable," he declared firmly. " We can't allow our artists to be threatened like this . We need to take decisive action."

Agreeing, the manager added , " we're doing everything we can to ensure Bangchan's safety . But we need to address how these saesangs got his personal information. "

JYP nodded , his determination evident . " We'll launch a full investigation. This breach of privacy cannot go unpunished."

As Bangchan arrived safely at JYP entertainment, a wave of relief washed over him . His heart still raced from the encounter with the saesang fans , but h was grateful to be surrounded by his fellow members and the familiar confines of their headquarters.

As they gathered in a meeting room , the atmosphere was tense yet determind . Bangchan's eyes met those of his bandmates, each sharing a silent understanding of the gravity of the situation they faced .

Their manager cleared his throat, breaking the silence. " Let's start from the beginning," he began , his voice steady yet tinged with concern. " Ever since the fans started going missing during our concerts, we've been on edge . And now , with Han receiving a death threat and Bangchan being targeted by the saesang fans . It is clear that we are dealing with something sinister. "

He paused , allowing the weight of his words to sink in before continuing. " But perhaps the most unsettling development is the discovery of the mysterious figure captured on our CCTV footage. This individual was lurking near the concert hall , unnoticed by both police and detectives. "

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