The Trip to Magnificent Mile

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(The story begins in the late afternoon on October 27th, 4 days before Halloween, on a bus owned by CLADE. Hans Stinkwell was driving dressed as Dr. Frankenstein. He was headed for Six Flags Magnificent Mile in Cranbrook, Illinois, with Director Scratch, all the agents, and their friends. Everyone on the bus was really excited and dressed in Halloween costumes due to the Fright Fest festivities.)

Tag: Ooh, I'm so excited to go to Six Flags Magnificent Mile!

Scooch: Me too! I have never been to a theme park in Stanford's universe before.

(Sam and Kit, dressed as a magician and pirate, respectively, stand up from the seats behind them.)

Kit: Same here, Scooch! We don't even have amusement parks in our world.

(Wiley, dressed as a cowboy, was really hyped and hung over their seats.)

Wiley: I'm so ready to ride on the fastest coaster when we get there. Speaking of that, are we there yet?

Sam: Uh, Wiley? We left CLADE 10 minutes ago.

Violet: Yeah, we still have 50 minutes before we get there.

Wiley: What? (Checks his watch to see that 10 minutes had passed)

Wiley: (Groans) This would go a lot faster if we all flew in R.O.N.

Violet: Aw, lighten up, Wiley. We'll be there soon before you know it.

(Brinley sits next to Wiley also dressed up as a cowboy.)

Brinley: Hey, Wiley, why don't we read some books until we get there?

Wiley: Sure, Brinley, why not.

Sam: And while you guys do that, we'll watch a movie.

(Everyone was relaxing in their own ways, and 50 minutes passed by. Then, they see a familiar sight.)

Cubby: Hey, I think we're here! I see some roller coasters!

(They all look to the right side of the bus to see the roller coasters.)

Indie: Woah, so tall.

(They exit the tollway and head for the entrance. They entered the bus parking lot and they saw a lot of coaches taking tourists to the theme park.)

Sammy: Wow, that's a lot of buses.

Sam: I know. Everyone got their season passes?

Everyone: (Saying "yes" and showing their passes.)

(They step off the bus and make it to the entrance, then Oliver sees something flying in the air.)

Oliver: Hey, who's that?

Frank: Is that a helicopter dog?

Harold Stinkwell: I don't think so.

Kit: Wait a minute, that's-

(The theme park lights reveal Wally Bungler, flying towards them in a knight costume.)

Wally: Make way for Wally!

Sam and Kit: Wally.

(Wally hits the entrance sign, and he drops to the ground.)

Wally: G'day citizens, Wally Bungler, nature ranger, here to join you in the spooky fun!

Sam: Wally, what are you doing?

Wally: Well, I heard that you're going to Six Flags Magnificent Mile, so I flew over here and decided to join in on the spooky fun.

Violet: Nice to meet you, Wally. Sam and Kit talk a lot about you. I'm Violet, and these are my friends: Wiley, Oliver, Sammy, and Brinley. We're known as the Great Wolf Pack.

Wally: That's pretty nice. I love your cowboy costumes, by the way.

Oliver: Thanks! We were dressing up for the costume contest and ended up having the same idea of dressing up as cowboys.

Wally: What a coincidence.

Wiley: Can we go inside now? I really want to ride a fast coaster.

Director Scratch: Okay, Wiley. Let's go, everyone.

Final Destination 3: (The Coaster Crash) Stanford StyleWhere stories live. Discover now