The Coaster Crash Premonition (Aftermath)

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Ride Attendant 1: Hey, yo, you didn't hear? No loose articles.

Wally: Sorry, citizen. I'll just put it in my pocket.

Ride Attendant 1: Thanks. (Checks the restraints of Kit and Wally)

Wally: Let's do this. Wahoo! (Kit looks at his hand and sees the same gum from the premonition.) Kit, what are you-?

Ride Attendant 1: Here we go. All clear!

Wally: Ooh, this is it. Let's do it!

Kit: (Tearful) We have to get off this ride.

(The ride attendant was just about to push the start button when Kit freaks out.)

Kit: (Tearful Yelling) No, don't push the button! Don't! Don't push the button! (Cries) 

(Everyone looks behind to see Kit freaking out)

Kit: Let me out! Let me out! (Pulls up on her restraint)

Wally: Kit! Kit! It's alright! It's alright!

Kit: (Tearful Yelling) No, it's going to crash! It's going to crash!

Sam: (Worried) Kit?

Kit: (Tearful Yelling) The hydraulics will rupture! The tracks will collapse! Please!

(The ride manager enters)

Ride Manager: What's going on?

Kit: (Tearful Yelling) Let me off!

Ride Attendant 1: I think she's on something.

(Wally tries to calm down Kit distantly)

Rider Manager: 'Kay let 'em out. Just the back.

(The ride operator releases the restraints in the last 4 cars of the train.)

Wally: Whoa, hey, Kit!

(She quickly exits the ride in tears, and Wally follows. Frank also stands up and watches them)

Ride Manager: Woah, woah, woah, woah. Okay. Relax. Now, what's the matter?

Kit: (Tearful) I saw it in my head. The tracks collapse, and the roller coaster crashed.

Wally: No, she was just a little upset before.

Frank: Man, can you please control that crybaby? Man, (Mockingly) Waa! Waa! It's gonna crash! The hydraulics! The coaster! (normal voice) She's just trying to get some unwanted attention!

Wally: (Angrily) You know what? You're just a big meanie, Frank! You suck!

Frank: I suck? I mean, YOU suck! Buzz off! (Throws a punch that accidently hits Oliver)

Oliver: Ow!

(A fight then arises, and everyone looks in shock. The ride manager and some security guards try to break up the fight. Tag and Oliver then step off the ride, and Sam signals to the ride operator)

Sam: Hey, hey, let me out.


Sam: (struggles with his harness) Sir, let me off!

Wiley: Uh, we should probably go stop that fight.

Violet: Yeah, good call.

(Wiley and Violet step off the ride.)

Ride Manger: Calm down! Relax!

Scooch: Hey, guys, wait for me!

(Scooch then steps off the ride)

(The Ride Manger shoves Wally in an attempt to break up the fight)

Ride Manager: Get 'em out of here! Calm down! Relax!

Sam: Sir, let me off, I gotta make sure she's okay!

Cheddar Biscuit: (Chanting Repeatedly) Hey, ho, let's go!

Ride Manager: Calm down! Get outta here!

Frank: Get your hands off of me!

Ride Manager: GO!

(More of the remaining riders, except Sam and Cubby, join in and chant to start the ride. Meanwhile, everyone who was thrown off get escorted to the exit.)

Everyone except Sam and Cubby: (Chanting Repeatedly) Hey, ho, let's go! Hey, ho, let's go!

Sam: Let me out! Dude! (Tries to lift restraint)

Ride Attendant 1: Here we go. All clear.

Sam: Let me off!

(The ride operator pushes the start button, and the ride starts. Everyone except Sam and Cubby cheers.)

Sam: Sir, that's my partner!

(Kit sees what was happening through one of the windows)

Kit: (Quietly) Oh no...

(Kit runs back towards the boarding station with the ride manager chasing her.)

Kit: (Tearful Yelling) Stop it! No! Stop it!

(The train enters the chain lift.)

Kit: (Tearful Yelling) Stop it, please! Please, the tracks are broken! Stop it! Stop it, please! (The ride manager catches up and grabs her with Wally following behind.)

Wally: Hey!

Kit: (Tearful Yelling) SAM!!!!

(The manager and security guard lead Kit and Wally out an employee entrance)

Ride Manager: Hey, just relax! Okay?

Wally: Cool down, sir! OK? Just let her settle down!

Ride Manager: She can settle down at home! Now listen, do you have a phone on you? OK, We can call your friends, and everything will be taken care of...

(Just then, they hear screams of terror, the tracks collapse, and the roller coaster crashes, just like in Kit's premonition. The security guard and manager ran over to the crashed train. Wally and Kit watch in pure shock. Just then, the episode pauses with a record scratch, and Stanford walks, stops in the middle, and lowers a Halloween-themed screen behind him.)

Stanford: Okay, I know what you guys are thinking: "Stanford, wasn't that a little too violent for a kids' show? Especially when the characters are for preschoolers?" Yeah, I know. I just wanted to spice things up a little for Halloween. You also may be wondering if their deaths are permanent. Don't worry anymore. Their deaths are not permanent. Everyone who "died" will be revived just in a couple of minutes. I won't show the scene for safety reasons, but I'll make sure to give a final scene before this episode ends. We'll have this scene of us waving right now.

(The next scene shows everyone standing in front of Stanford's house.)

All: Happy Halloween!

Stanford: See you all in the next adventure!

(The scene darkens as everyone waves goodbye, It displays the words "Happy Halloween!" The credits then show, ending the episode.)


Have a safe and pleasant Halloween!

Final Destination 3: (The Coaster Crash) Stanford StyleWhere stories live. Discover now