After Crash Premonition (Atl. Ending)

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(The scene starts in November in Stanford's house.)

Tag: Hang on a second. Did you make an alternative ending for our Hallowen special?

Stanford: (Narrating) Yeah, um, but this time, Agent Casey gets the premonition before she even steps onto the coaster.

(Kit receives the same premonition. However, she ends up still in line waiting to ride the coaster.)

Wally: I could sit with you at the-

(Kit grabs Wally's wrist and pulls him towards the exit.)

Wally: Kit, what are you doing?

Kit: (Concerned) I'm not getting on the ride. NOBODY'S getting on.

Sam: But Kit, we're gonna miss-

Kit: I saw it, okay? It's gonna crash!

Cubby: Calm down, Kit! You're scaring everyone.

(Kit pulls Wally back to the entrance with Cubby and Sam following.)

Kit: No, we're getting off NOW!

(Wiley tries to calm her down.)

Wiley: Take it easy-

Kit: No, back off, okay?! It's gonna crash! The hydraulics will rupture, the tracks will collapse, and everyone on this ride is gonna die! Come on, let's get out!

Frank: (Scoffs) Just a bunch of scaredy-cats.

(Later on, they reach the gates and board the ride. A group of 4 real-world people board the ride and take the same seats Kit and her friends were supposed to sit in. The restraints come down, securing them.)

Ride Attendant: (Signals to the operator) Here we go, all clear!

(The operator pushes the start button, and the train leaves the station. Meanwhile, Kit and her friends managed to exit the station and are back outside.)

Sam: Kit, what was that about?

Wally: What's wrong?

(The Stinkwells and Indie approach them)

Indie: You guys are back already?

(A big crash startles them, and they look up to see the coaster crashing and falling to the ground like in Kit's premonition. The screen pauses, and it fades into the present time in November.)

Sam: So, you made an alternative scene of our Halloween episode and never told us about?

Stanford: Just wanted a cool scene. Also, this actually happened in the Final Destination 3 movie, well, not exactly. You see, this was a part of a game named "Choose Their Fate." In this one, you could choose what happens to the characters in certain scenes. The first one allows you to choose when the protagonist, Wendy Christen, receives her premonition and shows their alternate futures.

Scooch: Cool, but why doesn't Death hunt them down?

Kit: Yeah, Wendy, Carrie, Jason, and Kevin never went through with Death's plan.

Stanford: That's because of the "Kill or be Killed" rule.

Oliver: Can you expand on this regulation?

Sammy: He means what does it say?

Stanford: Well, Sammy, in that scene, 4 more people boarded the coaster in the same spots that Wendy and her friends were supposed to sit, and they took their places on Death's plan.

Wiley: That makes sense.

Stanford: Well, that's the clip! See you in the next adventure!

(The screen fades out, ending the episode.)

Final Destination 3: (The Coaster Crash) Stanford StyleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ