The Pharaoh's Hijinx

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(They head to the entrance and get their security checks. Wally was next in line for the metal detector. Wally was just about to walk through it when his radio comes to life.)

Mrs. Bungler: Wally, dear, did you remember to buy the Halloween candy?

Wally: Yes, not now, Mom! (Chuckles) Sorry about that, officers.

(He walks through the metal detector and is cleared. Eventually, everyone made it through the security checks and entered the park. There were a lot of people in Halloween costumes, especially families with children, decorations, and a lot of concession stands.)

Kit: Oh, I must be dreaming.

Indie: This park is so cool! (Does the Honeyguide Bird call)

Sammy: What are we going to do first?

Sam: How about we all split up for a moment and do whatever we please?

Everyone: (saying in agreement)

(They all split up. Kit, Wally, Scooch, Cheddar Biscuit, Indie, Oliver, and Brinley head over to a drop tower called "High Dive." Everyone except Kit, Scooch, Indie, and Brinley get into the line.)

Scooch: So uh, what are you going to do, Indie? You're not really tall enough to ride that drop tower.

Indie: I'll sit out on this one. I don't really like fast rides anyway.

(Kit snaps a photo on her camera as her friends ride the drop tower. However, when it was captured, she noticed that the "V" in Dive was extinguished. With the photo meaning "high altitude death," she looks up and sees that the V is well lit. Meanwhile, Wiley was playing one of the hammer games, and he won a large teddy bear.)

Wiley: Hey guys, look what I've got!

Cubby: Woah, nice prize you got there, Wiley!

Wiley: Thanks!

Sam: Nice job, Wiley. I got this... unicorn plushy. Oh, well, better luck next time.

Oliver: Hey guys, check out that looping coaster!

Violet: You mean that one? (Points to an Arrow Mega Looper named "Pharaoh's Hijinx")

Oliver: Percisly.

(Just then, a mysterious figure walks toward them, and it reveals to be Stanford.)

Stanford: That's Pharaoh's Hijinx, one of the oldest and most popular attractions in our park.

Everyone: (Gasp) Stanford!

Director Scratch: Stanford Manalang, what are you doing here?

Stanford: I work here, more specifically on the Pharaoh's Hijinx. I have good benefits, great pay, and all-around nice coworkers.

Brinley: Is that so?

Stanford: Yep.

Violet: That's good because we're just about to ride it.

Stanford: You guys go on. My shift just ended.

Kit: Alright then. See ya, Stanford.

Stanford: See you guys!

(They all head off to the entrance of the ride. Some of them decide to sit out. The line was moderately long with a wait time of 15 minutes. The station resembled the appearance of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Kit noticed something was off. When one of the trains was on the layout, the tracks could be heard wobbling. In addition, the support beams looked very loose and unstable.)

Wiley: Ooh, I'm so excited to ride this coaster.

Tag: I hear you, Wiley.

Kit: (Nervously) Uh, guys, are the tracks supposed to be loose?

Sam: (Shrugs) Eh, it should be fine, Kit.

Oliver: Yeah, I researched that the coaster was maintained to the highest standards.

Sammy: He means that it was given a lot of maintenance.

Kit: (Nervously) Okay... But I don't want to sit at the front.

Wally: I could sit with you at the back, Kit.

Sam: But who am I going to sit next to?

Cubby: You can sit next to me, Sam.

Gilber: I got Cheddar Biscuit.

Frank: I got Beans, of course.

(When they entered the pyramid, Kit noticed all the fake tombs, mummies, and Halloween decorations. She had a nervous feeling until she thought about nothing was going to go wrong. Soon enough, it was their turn to ride. The train was 7 cars long and green with a yellow stripe. The safety restraints were black. It pulled into the station, and the previous riders step off.)

Ride Technician: Welcome to the Pharaoh's Hijinx! Store all lose articles, including bags, purses, keys, and phones. Shoes must be worn on the ride. No items may be held in the hands of riders. Please move behind the yellow line as the gates will soon be closed. Once you are seated, the restraints will be lowered automatically. Guests must be at least 42 inches. Remain seated with your hands, feet, and tail, if you have one, inside the train at all times, and your head against the headrest. Please secure hats and glasses. Get ready to conquer the Pharaoh's Hijinx!

(Everyone stepped onto the ride, however, when Sam and Kit try get into their seats, it was taken by a group of young kids that weren't tall enough to ride. The ride attendant comes up to them.)

Ride Attendant 1: Sorry guys, you aren't tall enough. Come on, let's go back to your parents.

(As they were escorted back to their families, Wally and Kit sit down in their seats and the restraints lowered automatically.)

Everyone: (Cheering)

(In the 3rd car, Beans is having trouble with his restraint due to it not being locked into place)

Frank: Uh, sir. My friend is having trouble with his harness.

Beans: I'm all good!

Ride Attendant 1: Oh sure thing.

(He pushes his harness further. However, unbeknownst to anyone, the coaster's hydraulic fluid was starting to leak out. In the last car, the attendants then see Kit trying to take a photo of her friends at the front of the train. He waves his hand in front of the camera. )

Ride Attendant 1: Hey, yo, you didn't hear? No loose articles.

Wally: Sorry, citizen. I'll put it in my pocket.

Ride Attendant 1: Thanks. (Checks the restraints of Kit and Wally)

Wally: Let's do it! Wahoo! (He finds his finger had a piece of gum stuck to him and groans in disgust) Gross. (He shakes it off)

Ride Attendant 1: Here we go. All clear!

Wally: Ooh, this is it. Let's do this!

(The ride operator pushes the start button, and the train leaves the station.)

Final Destination 3: (The Coaster Crash) Stanford StyleWhere stories live. Discover now