The Coaster Crash Premonition

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Everyone: (Cheering)

Wiley: This is what I'm howlin' about!

Scooch: Wahoo!

Wally: C'mon, Kit! Get excited!

(Upon exiting the station, the train enters the chain lift hill. While it climbs, Beans takes out his video camera and starts recording.)

Beans: This is Beans on the Pharaoh's Hijinx Roller Coaster at Six Flags Magnificent Mile!

Wiley: Yeah!

Sammy: This is amazing!

(As the train reaches the top, the chains holding the ride up stop, more hydraulic fluid leaks, and the coaster begins its first drop.)

Everyone: (Screaming in Excitement)

Wiley: Wahoo!!!

Sammy: This is awesome!

(The train crests a hill and drops for a big loop-the-loop.)

Beans: We're upside down! (Drops the camera)

Frank: Beans! You dropped the camera!

Beans: Oops.

(The camcorder lands and latches onto the tracks. The coaster runs over it, and the screams of joy turn into pure terror.)

Everyone: (Screaming in fear)


(Hydraulic fluid then starts to leak uncontrollably, causing the restraints to unlock. Everyone grabs their own, pulls it down, and holds on tight.)


(The train goes into a corkscrew as everyone screams, and the wheels on the front car detach.)

Everyone: (Screaming in fear)

(The train comes up to a sharp bend where the first 3 cars detach from it. Sam, Cubby, Cheddar Biscuit, Gilber, Director Scratch, Brinley, Beans, Sammy, and 1 other CLADE Agent are sent falling to their dooms. The back half of the coaster keeps going along the route.)

Frank: (Screaming)

(While Kit and Wally were hanging on for dear life, Frank was ejected from his seat but managed to cling onto the car. Unfortunately, the train rapidly approaches another corkscrew, and Frank loses his grip.)

Frank: (Screams)

(Wally lifts his restraint and catches Frank, but it was not long until the wheels of the 4th car detach and the hood comes off. Everyone ducks to avoid it.)

Kit: (Screams) Wally!!

Frank: No!!!! (Screams)

(Frank gets hit by the hood and falls to his death. The hood hits the track and causes it to get dislodged and a part of the support beam to collapse.)

Everyone: (Screaming in terror)

(The train races down a hill and enters a large loop-the-loop and stops at the top upside.)

Everyone: (Screaming in terror)

(Wiley, Violet, and some of the others hang on to their restraints)

Kit: Violet! Wiley! Hang on! Hang On!

Wally: Don't let go!

Wiley: We can't!

(Wiley and Violet lose grip of their restraints and fall to their deaths.)

Wiley and Violet: (Scream)

(One by one, the others lose their grip and meet the same fate. Kit and Wally watch in terror.)

Wally: Hang on with me! Hang on! Help me rock it!

(Kit horrifically looks down to see all of her friends laying lifelessly on the ground below. Wally attempts to rock the coaster to send it back the other way.)

Wally: Almost got it!

(Wally finally gets the coaster to go backward and tries to sit down, but is caught on the pole that the hood broke earlier.)

Wally: Hang on, Kit! I'm coming!

(He tries to fly towards her but ends up falling to his doom. Kit watches in horror and screams.)

Kit: (Cries)

(The coaster hits the section of track that the hood broke and derails, causing Kit to be ejected into the air.)

Kit: (Screams, then breathes heavily, screams again)

(Kit then finds herself back in her seat before the coaster was supposed to take off.)

Final Destination 3: (The Coaster Crash) Stanford StyleWhere stories live. Discover now