first day of school pt2

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i didn't know what to think he's a teacher i was shocked he was so young. my thoughts stopped when he started talking. "i am 22 years old, i am from liverpool if you couldn't tell" i smiled he had a strong scouse accent. "does anybody have any questions about me" some of the boys raised their hands "what football team do you support?" "what position do you play" "how much can you bench" silly questions only boys would want to know. i so badly wanted to ask if he was single. i felt eyes watching me i looked to penny and josh but they were looking ahead that's when i looked at mr fairclough, once i looked at him he immediately looked away. i was so confused was he looking at me? i raised my hand and he said "hello what's your name?" hannah i said "right hannah what's your question" i thought who is your favourite singer "woah that's a good question. i don't know really i like abit of everything from drake, kanye west and lil peep to rihanna, nicki minaj, bruno mars and everything in between" he smiled and looked me in the eyes after he finished his sentence, i smiled back. he has good taste i thought. "ok so we're almost out of time i hope you enjoyed learning about me today and not history haha, but next lesson i will be changing the seating plan so instead of sitting where you like if you could wait outside and i will show you where you'll be sitting." that's when the bell went.

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