∆Graveyard Spirits∆

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I was on chains,the blurry visions around my hazel eyes. Both me and my spirit was almost exhausted. My blonde hair was braided and I was wearing a blue jeans paired with a white T-shirt. I was somewhere away from my home, sweat came from my forhead. I was tired ,Suddenly I overheard someone. He was in a pure black robe with a black mask on face. He was like a graveyard spirit.
He was in front of a black castle, shouting. Through a mist,I noticed a group of people's in same appearance.
The scene I get from that hell castle just makes me uncomfortable. A cluster of devil's lined, as like they are going to march. Actually they was marching towards South.
The sky was dark,the stars are bright. Nightingale was singing. I want to take a small power nap but my unconscious mind noted something. A horse!! In this dark dry desert. It was something shaped like a horse in a golden armoured form. It reached next to me, and spoke

I was freaked,how someone can know an unpopular girl likes me. Only matter around my head was to get rid from this place. So without wasting time, I climbed to her back, she adjusted me.
"Ready for a ride"
The ride was supercool!!
Mid of ride, Astrid ( horse ) speaks
"Hey I am Astrid!! Like a satyr in greek mythology I can sense animal language.
Before I start's to say something about me , a huge devil came across.
He was wearing a black robe and has a wing!! For a human Like's me it was unusual. But suddenly wings was appeared in Astrid. __A horse with wings__.Yes that's it a Hippalectryon.
So Astrid is a Hippalectryon, a half horse.
We started to rise in sky.
The devil indroduced himself " I am Ailith" The shadow of darkness"
A big silver knife grown in his hand .
Astrid starts to move faster and faster in air. My blood was almost cold.
Ailith formed a big ball of fire, before it touches Astrid , The mother of Angel 'Rhiannon'appeared infront of us. She was wearing a white robe, her goldish hair was shining. Her golden wings reflected in the silver knife. Preparing for a battle.
A clumpse of blue gas ball was rapidly spreading in air.Before I could react both Ailith and Rhiannon was disappeared. No they was not disappeared , my eyes was closed, blurry visions changed I was slept.

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