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The creatures sprinted fast, spread out across the road. They moved with unnatural speed, all six limbs a blur as the already fractured asphalt shattered even more under each talon.

Pezzy tucked his head into his hood, holding his breath terrified. One of the creatures knocked into the car they were hiding behind, shoving the three down.

Pezzy felt the cement scrape his side where his jacket rode up as he flung his arms out to catch himself. The creature that had knocked the car slowed while the other three continued on, Puffer grabbing Pezzy and yanking him to his feet.

Matt was already gone, hiding in the building directly in front of them, windows once again shattered. Puffer all but threw Pezzy inside, Matt grabbing him before he fell. Puffer hurried in, his book held tightly in his hands as they rushed to hide behind a display.

The creature stopped right where Pezzy had fallen outside, Pezzy looking down to see his palms and side bleeding. He went to quickly shove his hands into his pockets before an idea crept into his mind.

He made a motion to Puffer, indicating he wanted the book. Puffer frowned but handed it over, Pezzy rubbing his bleeding palms all over it.

He crept around Matt and the display, eyes on the creature directly in front of him. It couldn't be but 5 meters away from him, a long, blood red tongue licking the ground where Pezzy had fallen.

He moved carefully, avoiding stepping on any glass. He took careful aim, ready to move as soon as the book was out of his hands.

He threw it hard, aiming for the shop across the road. It was a long goal, one he wasn't sure he'd be able to do, but the book soared high through the air and landed perfectly on the glass.

The glass shattered, Pezzy carefully leaping away to hide in a display of clothes. The creature turned and sprinted after the book, Puffer sneaking out to grab Pezzy and pull him back behind the display where Matt was still crouched.

Puffer grabbed a shirt in front of them, carefully ripping a few straps from the hem. He carefully inspected Pezzy's hands, Matt keeping an eye out as Puffer made sure no rocks or glass were in Pezzy's palms.

Once he was certain, he carefully wrapped the cloth around his hands and tied them securely, using the now destroyed shirt to press against Pezzy's side.

A loud roar sounded from the creature in front of them, the three ducking down terrified. Matt peeked around the corner and backed up, relief showing in his face.

After a minute Matt whispered, "It's gone. Come on, you okay Pez?" Pezzy nodded, the adrenaline making it so he didn't feel any pain. He was sure it'd be bad in a couple hours, but right now he wasn't feeling anything.

"Then let's go," Matt whispered, the three carefully leaving. They moved carefully down the road, Pezzy glancing nervously at the sky. It was now completely dark, half the street lights broken, which made it even darker than usual.

They made it to the hotel nearly 20 minutes later, the usual 5 minute trip taking longer since they were moving quietly and slowly to not draw attention to themselves.

Matt hissed faintly, eyes wide at the sight of the slightly crumbling building. "That can't be good," Matt breathed, rushing forward to get inside.

They headed upstairs, having to move carefully as a lot of them were broken. Thankfully Soup was only on the second floor, Matt leading the way quickly.

He stopped in front of a door, pausing as he noticed that the door was cracked open. He pushed the door open, Pezzy and Puffer exchanging worried looks.

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