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Droid watched Pezzy, a frown on his face. They'd stayed in the supermarket for a week now, letting Droid and Scotty recover some from the blood loss, but they were getting ready to move on now.

Droid was worried about Pezzy, more than usual and that was saying something. Droid could tell Pezzy had closed off more, nearly emotionless with everything he did.

Except sleep. Droid had woken several times the last week to Pezzy crying in his sleep, body curled into a ball. Droid never gave any indication that he knew about these nights, outside reaching over and taking Pezzy's hand.

His touch seemed to be the only thing that would calm him during those moments. But when he woke up, Pezzy would never say anything. He'd wake before Droid got up, his face carefully blank and his tone expressionless whenever he spoke.

"Everyone have everything?" Tyler asked softly, the group nodding. "We'll raid the supermarket, they'll have loads more than a gas station would. Don't grab more than you can carry."

Everyone nodded again, following him out. They moved carefully, the building massive. They split up, walking up and down the aisles to grab non microwaveable foods.

Droid and Pezzy walked together, Pezzy's movements smooth and dull. Droid didn't even know if he was really seeing all he was grabbing.

He shook his head, marching over to the older and grabbing his arm. Pezzy flinched but looked at him, his grey eyes dull and shadowed. "What's the matter?" He asked, his tone disinterested.

"This! You! Pezzy, man, talk to me, please," Droid begged, Pezzy frowning as guilt fluttered across his face before sinking back into nothing.

"It's nothing to worry about Droid, don't overthink," he said flatly, turning back to the shelves. Droid hissed in frustration, throwing his hands up as he stormed after Pezzy trying to walk away.

"No, Pezzy. Somethings wrong, more than usual. I have never seen you shut down like this, and it's fucking scaring me man. Talk to me," he insisted and Pezzy paused, still not turning around.

"I'm tired, Droid. I'm terrified, I'm worried, I'm feeling helpless, I feel like a burden. I froze last week, and Grizzy had to carry me. You nearly died protecting me from that building collapse, and I can't do anything about it. It'd be better if I went off on my own, but I'm too fucking selfish to consider leaving you. Any of you," he finally whispered, his hands white around the straps of his bag.

Droid's heart broke, the man reaching over to grab Pezzy's shoulder and turn him around. What could he say to make this better?

"You're not a burden, Pez. Not in any way. We take care of you, like you've taken care of us. You're the one keeping me smiling, you know that? You're giving me hope, because I know as long as you're here with me, I'm okay," he said softly, Pezzy's eyes flickering back and forth between his own.

Something splintered in his eyes and tears filled them, Droid gathering him into a tight hug. "I just want all this to end, and all of us be safe. I can't lose any of you," he mumbled and Droid squeezed him tighter.

"We'll be okay, Pez," he whispered and Pezzy tucked his head against Droid's shoulder. Droid caught sight of Puffer and Grizzy over Pezzy's shoulder, worry on both of their faces.

Droid shook his head subtly, the two nodding and turning around. Pezzy pulled away a moment later, his face pale but his eyes red. "I'm sorry I've been pulling away," he whispered and Droid shrugged, smiling faintly at him.

"It's alright man, I get it. Let's finish our shopping and get going, yeah?" He said softly and Pezzy smiled weakly at him. It wasn't big, but it still warmed Droid greatly.

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