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(What I sort of based the creature off above)

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(What I sort of based the creature off above)

Pezzy saw Tyler turn around, his eyes widening. Pezzy and Puffer turned, seeing a car flying at them with three creatures digging around two others.

Puffer yanked Pezzy aside, the two sprinting into the house next to them. Pezzy saw everyone else run into the house across the road, fear eating him from inside as Droid vanished into the doorway.

He and Puffer ran to the kitchen pantry, Puffer closing the door carefully as they ducked down. The door had a frosted window, which was a really bad thing but not as bad as the shuttered doors of the closet on the other side of the house.

Something slammed into the building, Pezzy falling over and hitting the back of his head as the house shook. Shattered glass tinkled, a second slam causing the house to shake violently.

Puffer shoved Pezzy down further, the two huddling together as the roof caved in. Puffer let out a faint cry of pain as one of the shelves fell on them, pinning them to the floor.

Pezzy managed to slip out from under him, using all his strength to shove the shelf off Puffer. Puffer yanked his legs back as more of the roof caved in, Pezzy hovering over Puffer's head as a piece of the wall fell on top of them. He felt a burning flash across his lower back, gritting his teeth as he fought to keep Puffer covered.

A creature roared loudly, but the sounds of scratching faded away. Puffer wiggled free, moving to help Pezzy move the piece of wood off him.

They managed to get free of the rubble, Pezzy supporting Puffer as they hobbled away. They slipped into the space behind a massive dumpster, just in time as the creatures returned.

They sniffed around the house Pezzy knew his friends were in, fear for them filling him. He looked at Puffer, the others face pale with blood running down his temple.

Pezzy was sure he didn't look much better, feeling the ache at the back of his head and on his back. They needed to get someplace secured before those things smelled them, Pezzy trying to remember the places Tyler had marked in case something like this happened.

The creatures were still sniffing around the house the two had been in, one scratching at the door their friends were behind.

Pezzy looked around frantically, seeing a door not 3 meters to their right. He gestured to Puffer, the man looking over dazed before glancing at the creatures.

They weren't looking in their direction, Puffer gritting his teeth before nodding. Pezzy helped him stand, eyeing the creatures a moment before taking the chance.

They rushed to the door, finding it slightly cracked open. They pushed in, Pezzy helping Puffer to the master bedroom of the house and into the closet.

There was no power in the house, but Tyler made sure everyone had at least two candles and a lighter in their bags. Pezzy lit them, digging through Puffers bag for his candles.

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