Ky-Leb pt.II

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I'm going on a writing strike
Meaning I'm writing very well today
The ideas are going brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Fingers go speed
I might turn this into an entire story if I can think of enough ideas :D
Kind of short chapter as they always are, but lots of plot twists

"See...Ky-Leb is a zombie, just like his majesty."  The deranged man said, leaning closer to the new king of zombies.  He jerks his trident closer, striking the man in the side of the neck.  Blood falls from the spot, draining from the slash.  'Ky-Leb' scoffed and tore a piece off his smock, tying it around his neck.

Yo-Rez sighed, "Ky-Leb speaks as a zombie.  How long as this strange man been here?"  He asked, but he was met with a simple shrug.

"Really, does any zombie remember how long they've been here?"  He snickered, then coughed.  Blood rose from his throat and dribbled down his chin.  He seemed unfazed, as if this was a regular accuring thing.  His bony frame looked impossibly malnourished; this crazed man had been living off of the artificial HP from the fountains, his insides having not seen correct nutrition in years.  He was basically a zombie with how much his organs had likely shut down.  He must be in so much pain...

"Is Ky-Leb...aware he is not a zombie?"  Yo-Rez asked.  He almost felt bad for the NPC, though he was careful to watch.  If there was one, there was several.  But, this man seemed as if he hadn't seen another face in ages.  Yo-Rez noticed a bitten off piece of Ky-Leb's left ear.

Ky-Leb shook his head.  "No, no, Ky-Leb is surely a zombie."  The king sighed.  This man was clearly insane.

"But this zombie is hungry."  Yo-Rez states matter-of-factly.  "Ky-Leb is in pain."  Of course, he was met with a stubborn "This is just part of being a zombie, we are all in pain." and more coughing.

Yo-Rez shakes his head, "Zombies do not get hungry."

"Zombies are used to the feeling of hunger, they don't recognise it."

"We don't have hair."

"Some do."  He tugs as his hair.  It loosely falls out, but his scalp is bleeding now.  The brown fabric around his neck has turned black from the absorbed blood, and his mouth is still dribbling the red fluid.

"Zombies don't bleed."

Ky-Leb growls, his voice crackly.  "Once it has all drained from you, that is."  Yo-Rez shakes his head.  His eyes go wide as he gets an idea.

"Why don't you accompany me to the fountain?  You seem to be getting weak..."  He smiles as nicely as a zombie can smile.  Ky-Leb looks around suspiciously, but nods and follows.  As soon as they reach the small alley between two pressed-together dirt huts, Yo-Rez takes the butt of his trident, and smacks it into the back of the man's head with a loud PANG!

He watches with a mix of amusement and pity as the lanky, bony man stumbles to the ground, landing face-down in the dusty stone.  Picking the man's unsurprisingly lightweight body up, Yo-Rez sighed.  He always had a little more of a heart than the old king, Xa-Tul.  He didn't even see the NPC stalking up behind him.

"You're ok, Ky-Leb.  We'll find a ho-"  He was cut off with a stab to the arm.  Spinning around, Yo-Rez came eye-to-eye with the tall built man.  Brown hair with a silver stripe and cold grey eyes, holding a diamond pickaxe.

Yo-Rez dropped the man and swung his trident, but it was blocked with an iron pick in the NPC's other hand.  Digger made another swing to the head, which was redirected to the side as another blow was delivered to his shoulder, the piercing trident going deep into his flesh.  He tried again, this time knocking the drowned zombie over.  By now, zombies and drowned had started to make awareness of what was going on, and were beginning to surge forward.

While the king was down, Digger took the frail old man and sprinted for the exit, dodging blows as best as he could.  He weaved through halls and alleys, climbing up uneven slopes and hills as he made his way to the tunnel leading Home.  He made it up the rocky stairs, crouching low as he scampered through the low, narrow tunnel, Ky-Leb's unconscious body held tightly to his chest.

Finally, he made it out.  Quickly pressing the button hidden amonst the stone, he darted out of the cave and towards the three chestnut horses.

"Quickly!  Let's go!"  Digger panted, hopping onto a horse.  He handed the skinny frame of the elder to Crafter, who had brought the horses with him, and he set the man in the empty horse, holding it's reins so they could march.  As they took off, the tall NPC looked behind him to see the king, Yo-Rez, in his copper crown.  He held a look, not of spite or fear, but of relief.


The first thing he woke to see was a bright waterfall, splashing peacefully in the daylight.  The daylight.  He was in the daylight.

Ky-Leb jerked up on the chestnut-colored horse and screamed in schizophrenic agony.  Without realizing there were two NPC's present, he tried to raise his smock over his head, revealing his sunken-in stomach and highly visible ribs.  Crafter was the first to act.  He grabbed the man's shoulder, sighing as it only seemed to make the panicking worse.  Ky-Leb lifted his stone shovel to the two, almost falling off his horse in the process before Digger came up behind him and pushed him upright, grabbing his arms.

"Herder, god dammit, calm down!"  Digger demanded as he lightly shook the panicking, screaming man, "We aren't going to hurt you!"

Ky-Leb froze.  Herder.  Why did that name sound familiar?  He looked at the tall man with his hazy eyes, one blue and one brown, just as it had been in his family for centuries.  Brown hair, grey a student he once had as an NPC, teaching about animals.

"F-Fisher...?"  He shivered.  Despite the sun being out, it was rather cold.  Digger sighed, wrapping a wool blanket from his horse's pack around the skinny man.

"No...Fisher was my son.  I'm Digger."  He calmly recalled.  He seemed to calm down some, looking over at Crafter, who smiled and gave a simple "you don't know me".  

Seeing he kept trying to hide, Crafter decided on something.  He knew Ky-Leb, or Herder, would not believe just words.  He took out a potion of weakness, coming up next to Digger.  Hopefully, this works.

" you want to be an NPC again?"  Crafter asked the short, thin man with a gentle smile.  Ky-Leb looked at him with a bit of nervousness.  It felt so weird to Digger and Crafter, looking into the eyes of an older version of their friend.  They could tell where the little Herder got his looks from.

Eventually, he nodded.  The man took a deep breath, bracing himself as Crafter held out the potion of weakness to him, taking a golden apple from his inventory.  He struggled with the cork, chewing and prodding, he eventually had to tear it into little pieces.  He held the bottle to his mouth and chugged it, feeling the effects taking place immediately.  He felt even more fatigued then before, swaying back and forth on his horse as Digger kept him up.  Crafter handed him the apple, which he struggled with too due to his weak, rotting teeth.  

Eventually, after three lost teeth, he managed to chew into the apple, feeling regenerated little by little.  By logic of Minecraft, and possibly his imagination, his body felt stronger.  Crafter kept his head up so he wouldn't notice lack of actual change, and Digger quickly pulled the unbuttoned smock away, leaving him in a dirty long sleeve black shirt and torn, baggy brown pants.  Nonetheless, he looked less zombie-like without the rotting smock.

As he looked down, the herder shivered at the 'feeling' of being an NPC again.  He had been so fearful of the people, it felt weird to finally consider himself one of them again.  He looked back up, to see the approaching village surrounded by a cobblestone wall.

"Now let's get you home, get that mold out of your hair, then we want you to meet someone, Herder."  Crafter and Digger shared a kind smile as Herder's grandfather stared with bright-eyed amazement at the colorful village.

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