Ky-Leb pt III

20 3 6

Tall Herder and Old Herder
Mini chapter because I be procrastinating
581 words :(

"There is no way..." Herder stared at the impossibly bony old man, "there's no way that's him, there's no way he's alive."

Crafter looked at the silver line streaking through Digger's hair like a bolt of brushed-back lightning. So he remembered tutoring Digger's son, Fisher, but...will he reconise his grandson? Even knowing Ky-Leb hadn't been their for the birth and life of Herder, he was hoping he would sense something, as many NPCs do, in the lanky teen. A wave of relief washed over him when Ky-Leb slowly came forward, reaching out to his grandson. But, just like a wave, it quickly went away.


Herder flinched a little at the mention of his father, finding himself looking this man in his bloodshot, pitysome eyes. Blue and Brown. Maybe...

Suddenly, Ky-Leb surged forward, tackling Herder to the ground. He hugged him tightly, breaking into sobs and blabbering apologies and excuses faster than he could conprehend. Slowly, the teen ran a hand through his deranged grandfather's matted silver hair, only realizing his mistake when he felt the cold wet mold seep into his fingernails like soggy bread in the bottom of a sink. This was him, wasn't it?

He sighed and stood, picking the man up with surprising ease, he couldn't have been more than 70 pounds. The man was only about one and a half blocks tall, oddly. He was slouched over and shaking, Herder could count his bones. He looked like he hadn't eaten in decades, and he probably hadn't.

"He's been living on those green fountains," Crafter sighed, studying the frail old man who seemed more than pleased to finally be off his sore feet. "We need to get him something to eat, fast. Without the HP he'll starve."

"Builder, don't listen to him Builder," Ky-Leb spoke fast, hugging his grandson's neck, "It's no rush, I'm fine. Oh, you haven't aged a week, have you, just as handsome as the day I..."

Herder looked down at himself with sadness. He had developed to look a lot like his father: tall, thin and strong. It broke his heart to see his grandfather so sure he was reunited with his son, the son he would never see again.

"...sir...I'm not Builder," he shook his head sadly and looked down at the now confused man, still curled up in his arms. "I'm Herder, Builder's son."

"You mean like..." Ky-Leb's eyes lit up with joy, "I have a grandson??  Already??  But then...where's Builder?" He asked, looking around him.

Herder looked down at the hopeful soul, and it crushed him to break his heart. He felt hot tears in his eyes, brushing the silver hair out of his small grandfather's face.



The way he sunk in Herder's arms completely shattered Digger. He knew what it was like to lose a son so suddenly, wishing you had left a better impression on their life. He knew how he felt, the way his eyes unfocused and his arms drooped, the way every emotion drained slowly and torturously from his body, he could almost see the man's life pooling onto the ground under him in a puddle of defeat. The feeling of being lost. Digger stepped forward, sympathetic tears welling up in his eyes. He took the man from Herder, Crafter slowly coming forward and stopping just short of where Digger stood. Of course, the blonde boy was the one to break the silence.

"Why don't we get something to eat, then we can talk about everything?"

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