t h r e e

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- B E L L É ' S P O V -

As I ate my breakfast, I couldn't stop staring at the beautiful view in front of me. It's like- the sky is crying out frozen tears, in the color white. The pearliest white ever known.

Oh, how sweet is the feeling of being brushed against the cold wind. Snow is my favorite weather. And I know why. The first time I went out with my friends, it was snowing. It wasn't snowing too little or too much, like the universe knew I was waiting for this time and they wanted me to have the perfect experience, with the most spectacular weather.

If only, we get to experience that again. My thoughts were cut off as I heard Bill, my chef, say, "Miss, I don't know if you'll want me to remind you this, but school starts in 50 minutes,"

As he said that, my eyes widened and I said, "Tell the driver to get ready, I'll be out in 5 minutes." I rushed up to my bedroom, into my walk-in closet, while almost tripping on the stairs as I was in a rush to get ready.

I tried looking for my cream thick sweater, but I didn't get to find it. "Ma'am, are you looking for this sweater?" Amy asked behind me as she held my sweater that I have been looking for.

"Thank you, Amy. Is the driver down?" I asked as I started fixing my collar when I put on my sweater. "Yes, he's only been down there for a few seconds." Amy said, smiling at me.

She only ever smiles at me when she has something to ask me. "What do you need or want, Amy?" I asked coldly as I started going down my stairs.

"Well, you see, it's my mother's birthday today. And, I was wondering if I could maybe go home early?" Amy asked, squinting her eyes as she asked her question. Stopping her footsteps.

I stopped to look behind me. I see a terrified girl standing, afraid to look me in the eyes. I didn't want to seem like a monster to her a lot more so I said, "Yes, you may. But come back tomorrow or the day after." I said. As I said that, I didn't expect her to jump behind me all excited and say those two words repeatedly. 'Thank you'.

I rushed the rest of my way downstairs, just so I can go to school early. As I went in the car, I told the driver to not even bother going over the speed limit, because I don't want to be late for school.

- A T  S C H O O L -

As I got out of the car, tons of people were suddenly behind me and tried giving me gifts. I didn't even bother to grab them since my bodyguard already did.

As I walked through the crowd of people, I pondered why they were giving me gifts. Then, I suddenly remembered, 'Wait, it's Valentines Day.' As that thought came into my head, I rolled my eyes. 'Ugh, I really don't want to be bombarded with letters and flowers and gifts in my locker.'

I was about to open my locker, but before I did, I told my bodyguard to do so. "James, open the door." I demanded. As he opened the door, he was standing there, eyes and mouth closed, with glitter all around his face. Some of it also on his clothes.

"Thank you," I said trying to hold in my fit of laughter. The stifled chuckles begging to be let out of my plumped lips. "Anytime, ma'am," he said. Some of the glitter went into his mouth, that I can't even help myself anymore.

I immediately opened my mouth, and laughed viciously at the sight of him. He looked at me shocked from how big the smile was on my face. Not only him, but the entire hallway looked at me that way. When I stopped my laughter, I looked around my surroundings.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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