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The wind whispered between the floorboards. The rotten, dead wood creaked with every gust of wind. The rain congregated in puddles around the poor, pathetic, green boy.

"You lousy piece of shit!" The tall, fat man spat, cracking his whip on the boy's back. He yelped and gasped in pain.

"You're a pathetic little freak! You don't belong anywhere! Scum like you deserves nothing more than to starve to death."

The fat man cracked his whip on the boy's back again and again. With each terrified and pained scream, the boy felt himself slipping.

*No. Don't die, Gar. You can make it,* the boy told himself. But one more lash from the man made him slip into unconsciousness. The fat man left, and the poor, sad, green boy was left chained to the ground, limp and shaking.

From the blurriest place of his mind, he heard a faint voice calling to him. He couldn't tell what it was saying, but he knew it wasn't the fat man; and that gave him hope. From the depths of his mind, he tried with all his might to just open his eyes. Even one would do! Anything to know that he could be saved.

The voice grew closer, and energy surged throughout his body. He had to get help. He had to live. He heard the footsteps growing closer, and if he wasn't mistaken, it sounded like someone was looking for him. He was most likely delusional from malnutrition, but he wasn't going to throw this away.

Mustering up every ounce of strength he had left, the boy let out a long, breathy cry. It echoed throughout the old building and bounced back to him. He could hear just how pathetic he sounded.

The footsteps multiplied, and he heard them growing nearer. His mind was a complete blur, and the room was spinning. Before the footsteps could reach him, his vision went black, and he passed out.



"Titans! We have a location on the traffickers' current headquarters. We have to go now if we want to save any of those kids!" Robin shouted as he and the rest of the Titans rushed out of the building.

The rain pelted his face as they sped past cars and streetlamps. Upon reaching the location, he saw a tall, fat man running from the broken-down shack.

"Cyborg, get him! Starfire, Raven, and I are going in!" Robin ordered. Cyborg nodded and followed suit of the man while Robin and the other 2 Titans entered the building.

The Titans ran frantically through the building, checking each room for any sign of life. But they couldn't find a single child. There had to be someone here. They had to save them, especially when they were this close! Moments before panic truly began to set in, a tired, exhausted cry echoed throughout the building. Robin and the other Titans ran towards the scream. There was a sign of life. They could save them. They had to.

What Robin saw nearly made him sick. In front of him was a small boy. He couldn't be any older than 16. He was shaking. His back was bloody and had large gashes down the majority of it. His skin pulled tightly over his bones, an obvious sign of malnutrition. And worst of all, the boy was chained up, bruises covering his green skin. Green... His skin was green. That didn't matter, though. All that mattered was getting him to the medical wing and getting him back to full health.

"Cyborg. Abandon your mission. I need you to get here with the T car as soon as you can. We found one, and he needs immediate medical attention." Robin called into his communicator.

Robin knealed down to the young boy. "Hey, you're safe now. I'm not going to hurt you," he spoke softly as he looked for a way to remove the chains. The boy didn't stir, and this worried Robin. He checked his pulse, and thankfully, he could feel one. He was alive. Robin called for Starfire. She appeared quickly, and she froze at the sight before her.

"Star. I need you to zap the chain with your lazers. We need to get him to the medical wing as soon as we can," Robin stated.

Starfire snapped out of her trance and hit the chains with her lazers, freeing the boy. Robin scooped him up in his arms, not paying mind to the blood that immediately soaked his uniform.

"Tell Raven to head back to the tower. Cyborg is taking me and the boy back to the tower in the T car," Robin ordered as he ran down the hallway and towards the exit. Cyborg was waiting for him, and as soon as he laid eyes on the boy, his face went pale.

"Cyborg, go!"
"Right!" He exclaimed, redirecting himself and putting the T car into full speed.

Once they reached the tower, Robin scooped up the small boy again and ran as fast as he could to the medical wing. Cyborg already had a room set up and waiting for them, and Robin didn't waste a second before he began calling orders left and right. He had to save this boy. Whoever he was. He had to.

This boy would not die on his watch.

(End scene)
I hope you all like it so far! This is my first TT fic that I've written. BB is my favorite Titan, but I love all of them so it's kinda hard to say.

To get a sense of what the book will have, pls read the description!!

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