New Surroundings

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When the green boy woke up, he was filled with an immense, burning pain all throughout his back. He opened his mouth to scream, but no sound came out. All that escaped his mouth was a pathetic, airy breath.

He opened his eyes and was blinded by a bright fluorescent light. He immediately shut his eyes tight. Where was he? What happened to him? Was he going to die?? As thoughts flooded his pounding head, he felt hot tears roll down his cheeks as pathetic sobs escaped his mouth.

"Hey," a voice sounded from the corner. The boy froze, his breath was slow and cautious, and his whole body began shaking violently.

"Shoot. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you," it apologized, stepping towards the frightened boy.

He wanted to respond, but all that escaped his mouth was a pathetic whimper. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and he opened his eyes. In front of him was a teenage boy with jet black hair and a mask. He crinkled his face in confusion. Why would this kid wear a mask? As soon as he thought that, a new thought entered his mind. What if he was wearing that mask to hide his face because he wants to hurt someone? What if he is evil?

The green boy shut his eyes tightly once again as his breathing quickened and tears once again fell from his eyes.

"It's okay, I know you're scared. But you are safe now. I promise. My name is Robin, and I'm the head of the Teen Titans, we're a group of superheroes. We found you in that place, but we took you back here to take care of your health. I know you're scared... and I don't blame you at all. But we only want to help you... How can we help you?" The boy asked sincerely.

The green boy thought for a moment. He didn't even know if he could talk. All he could do in his frazzled state was shake his head and cry. He watched as the boy named Robin stood up and walked to where he couldn't see, and this terrified him. Before he could start thoroughly panicking, the lights dimmed, and suddenly, the room was much comfier.

"Is that better?"

He nodded his head, and a small hum came out. Robin smiled slightly, and he sat down in front of the bed, criss-crossing his legs.

"Do you have a name?" He asked softly.

The boy nodded his head and then shook it, retracting his answer.

"That's okay, but when you feel up to it, we can pick out a new name for you," Robin assured. "But you've had a very long day. I think you should get some rest," he advised, moving to the door and dimming the lights more, "if you need any of us, just push that button," he said, pointing to a button on the iv stand and closing the door.

He sighed. Was he really safe? Was the nightmare finally over? Maybe Robin could show him how to be a normal teen?... But that would never happen. His skin was green. He was a freak. A monster. He deserved nothing other than death. It's what he'd heard all his life.

Memories of his childhood flashed in his eyes, filling his eyes with tears. Why couldn't he be normal? Why did those people treat him that way? Why couldn't they have just killed him before all the pain started?

Small sniffles escaped his mouth as tears rolled down his cheeks and hit the tile floor underneath him. He couldn't feel anything in his back anymore. Hell, he couldn't even get off his stomach to sleep comfortably. But it could be worse. He could be back there. He could be in that dark, rotten, smelly shack. He could be chained up like the beast he was.



Robin stood outside of the room, his back against the door. He heard the boy cry to himself, and eventually, he heard those sad sniffles turn into small snores. He frowned, knowing he should have done more for the boy.

He trudged into the living room and sighed as he sat down on the couch.

"Robin? What is wrong?" Starfire asked sweetly, floating over to Robin and sitting next to him. Robin just groaned and buried his head in Starfire's shoulder. She brought her hand behind his head and brought him closer.

"It will all be okay, Robin. I am sure the little green boy shall be back to his full health in no time."

"I just know I should be doing more..."

"You are doing as much as you can, Robin. You are a very good person and I know that with your assistance, everything will be okay."

"Thank you, Star."

"It is nothing, Robin."

Robin and Starfire sat on the couch, cuddling, and eventually, he fell asleep. When she noticed, Starfire picked him up and carried him to his room, tucking him in and planting a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"Sleep well, Robin," she whispered.

(End scene)

I didn't know how to end this chapter, so the ending is kinda awkward. Sorry.

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