Thank you

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"So... if you guys are like me... you won't freak out if I tell you?" The green boy asked cautiously.

"Of course we won't," Robin assured.

"Okay... well, the other lasting effect other than me being green is... I can transform into different animals." He said hesitantly.


The boy was scared when Robin went deep into thought. The room was silent, and he couldn't stand it.

"Can you just tell me what you're thinking!" He shouted louder than he'd meant to. He looked down, and his face flushed in embarrassment and anger.

"Sorry, but I was thinking... we could run some trials for you. Depending on how you do... you could become a Titan," Robin stated professionally.

"Wait- really?"

"Yeah. But we're going to need a name for you."

"Oh- um... my name is..." he scanned his brain for anything that wasn't his real name. "My name is Beast Boy," he answered.

"Alright then, Beast Boy. How about you get some rest, and tomorrow we can introduce you to the rest of the team," Robin advised.

"Okay. Goodnight," Beast Boy said with a nod. He watched Robin leave the room after dimming the lights. He sighed and turned on his side, staring out the window. Despite the city lights, he could see the stars.

He crawled out of bed and sat down on the cold tile. His legs were criss-crossed, and his hands rest upon his knees. He leaned forward and pressed his forehead on the cool glass as he watched the city. The lights to all the buildings were slowly going out as people prepared for sleep. He wished he was one of them. The normal people. They never had to worry about the things he did. They just got to be normal people. Oh, how he wished he could be normal.

He was a normal boy once. With a normal family. At least he thinks they were normal. He couldn't be too sure. He and his parents were just an average family. He thinks his dad was a scientist. If only he were smart enough to be a scientist, but no one would ever take him seriously, much less even hire him. But there's no point in dwelling on something that you are too dumb for.

He doesn't remember anything about his mom. He's never even known what a mom actually does. He longed for a mother. He longed for someone to hold him when he cried, which was often. And someone who would just let him be whoever he wanted to be and still love him. That's what he thought a mother would do.

Small, steady tears trickled from his eyes as he lamented his lost life. He could have been normal, but instead, he became the beast he was now. He became the freak that was sitting on the floor. The freak with dead parents and an incredibly painful past. The freak with scars lining his entire body. The freak with green skin and pointy teeth. The freak with mental issues who was too stupid for anything.

As he wept quietly, the door creaked open slowly. His ears perked up, and he jumped, looking at whoever entered. He was ready to flee, but he was shaking with every half breath.

"I am sorry," a polite, sweet voice said. "I heard you making the sad noises when the water comes from your eyes and wanted to make sure you are the alright."

"Who- who are you?" Beast Boy asked tentatively.

"My name is Starfire. I am an alien princess," she replied, floating over to him. "What is your name?" She asked softly, sitting down next to him.

"Um. My name is Beast Boy," he replied uncertainly.

"Beast Boy, are you feeling okay? I heard the sad noises, and your eyes seem to be red," she asked, genuine worry in her voice.

Beast Boy was stunned. He had never had someone do this. He didn't know if he could trust her. She seemed nice, and she seemed to care, but why would she care about him?

"Um... I'm - I'm fine," he answered.

"Are you positive?"



"YES!" Beast Boy shouted. When he faced the girl, her face fell and she looked scared. Was she truly being genuine? He sighed, resting his forehead on his palm. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell," he mumbled.

"You did not mean to. It is alright," she said softly.

"You shouldn't forgive me. I'm a monster! I just yelled at you... You were scared..."

"It is true, I was scared. But I was afraid I had made you angry. I do not wish to make my friends angry."

"Did you... why are you being so nice to me?" He asked desperately, his voice beginning to quiver.

"You are a good being, Beast Boy. You may have some problems, but all of us Titans do. That is what makes us who we are," she said softly, not looking him in the eye. She sighed, "I have a lot of the problems. But I did not have anyone to help me, so I wish to aid my friends when they face a challenge."

"You... Do you really mean that?" Beast Boy whispered.

"I do."

"But... I've done bad things. I've done really, really bad things..." he admitted, tears beginning to fall.

"We have all done something we are not proud of."

Beast Boy didn't answer. He simply curled his knees up to his chest and buried his head in his arms as tears fell sloppily. He felt a pair of arms around him, and he jumped.

"This is called a hug. May I demonstrate?" Starfire asked with a small smile. "I find them comforting."

Beast Boy nodded slowly and allowed his new companion to wrap her arms around him. At first, he felt trapped. But after a split second, he felt her warmth engulf him, and he was perfectly content. This triggered something, and he cried harder, hugging her back.

"Do you want me to let go?" Starfire asked upon Beast Boy's reaction.

"Please don't. I just need a second," he begged, his voice cracking.

"Then that is what I shall do."

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

(End scene)

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. Third quarter ends and midterms are kicking my ass rn. I'll hopefully update more when my creative flow gets back <333

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