My name? Oh, I don't know...

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Over the next week, the green boy began to heal rather quickly. Robin was the only Titan who visited him and didn't want to overwhelm the boy with lots of new faces before he could even sit up right. And frankly, the green boy was fine with that, although he was a little bit lonely.

He had thought about what Robin had said about his name... Should he tell him his name? Or should he just make up something? He groaned and gave up. He would just decide later.

Just then, the door opened, and Robin walked in. "Hey, how are you doing?" He asked, sitting down in a chair next to the bed.

"I'm fine... but when can I move? Laying on my stomach is only comfortable for so long..." he trailed off.

"Oh- yeah. I asked Cy about it, and he said only a few more days, and your back wounds should be almost fully healed. Then we can get you sitting up and maybe introduce you to the other Titans if you want."

The thought of moving made him so happy. But the thought of people had suddenly scared him more than he thought it would. What if they laughed and pointed at him? What if they made him change into different animals and do different tricks for their enjoyment?? What if they-

"Hey, breathe. It's okay," Robin assured, ripping him from his thoughts.


"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault."

"Sorry," he whispered.

"It's okay. Now, how about you get some rest. We'll be taking out your stitches tomorrow, so you can finally move around a bit. You need all your strength."





The next morning, he woke up to a tapping on his shoulder. He opened his eyes to see a large grin from Robin.


"We're taking out your stitches today, and I want to do it as soon as possible so you can finally be comfortable," he explained.

"Ooh, okay. So... will I be asleep for it? I dont have a high pain tolerance when I'm stressed. And this is kinda stressful."

"Oh, sure. I'll get Cy to give you some morphine or pentazocrine."


"They're just drugs that make you fall asleep. Morphine is tue most commonly used one, but pentazocrine also works. But those aren't the only two drugs used for sedation," Robin explained, although he began rambling towards the end.

"Oh, okay."

"I'll be back in a bit, and we can start," Robin said with a reassuring smile.

Moments later, Robin was back, and he had some pills with him. He helped the green boy sit up slightly, and he swallowed the pills. Minutes later, he already felt woozy and sleepy.

"I'm going to go get Cyborg, and he's going to be taking care of you. You're in good hands," Robin assured before leaving the room. In all honesty, though, he couldn't really process much of what Robin had said. He was really... really sleepy. And as soon as he closed his eyes, he fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.


He woke up a few hours later, and he was lying on his back. He could finally see what his "room" looked like. It was pretty standard as far as hospital rooms go, so he doesn't know what he was really expecting. When he lifted his head, he saw Robin, two girls and a really tall robot-dude-thing.

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