Chapter 1- Meeting Red

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Rosamund's POV

I was heading back from lunch and passing by the reception's desk when I heard the commotion. Even though she was trying to keep it down, I could sense elevating fear in Hattie, our receptionist. Hattie was in her mid-sixties, a plump grandmotherly like woman with a short gray bob and a gentle soul. I liked Hattie, she was always very polite and sweet, it struck me odd that she would get into any confrontations with patients.

"Please sir,..." Hattie was saying, standing back a little behind her desk. "I understand your situation, but we can't help you here." She was pleading with her eyes.

There were three of them, well over six feet tall, black hair, navy blue eyes, identical triplets. One was arguing with Hattie, the other had an arm around his brother who looked pale and was nursing a bandaged arm.

"We need a healer, our pack doctor has done all he can, my brother's arm won't stop bleeding!" Insisted the man in front of Hattie.

I sensed their energy and understood the situation immediately, they were shifters. Werewolves to be exact, that's why Hattie was looking nervous. This clinic catered only to mages and witches, human species of any sort, but we had a firm rule of no shifters allowed. Our clinic was technically built on neutral grounds, but there were still a war going on between different species, and this clinic decided it had to choose a side. We didn't favor one particular side, but we chose the side of magic users versus the shifters.

I walked closer to them. The three brothers suddenly inhaled, their heads snapped over at me as if angry they had been interrupted, frowns on their faces even though I haven't even said anything yet. It was a natural reaction I get with a lot of shifters; I was used to it. You see, I'm not fully a mage, but I'm not fully a human either. My bloodline was... complicated. And that in turn made it difficult for others to read me. They couldn't decipher exactly what I was, and that frustrated them.

The three brother's eyes trailed me up and down, checking me out. Arrogance aside, I knew I was beautiful. A gift from my mother before she died. I've been told more than once I was beautiful. I don't exactly see what they see, but I've learned to set my looks aside. I learned from a young age that being beautiful gets you nothing except trouble. More particularly, getting sexually assaulted. I've made it my goal not to let my looks stop me from being smart, powerful, and independent, something I had to learn the hard and traumatic way. I pushed away that thought and focused on the situation at hand.

I walked closer to the desk and felt the brothers tense up at my proximity.

"Hattie, is everything all right?" I asked, looking at the receptionist. I did a quick glance at all three of them. I recognized them. The Triplet Alphas from Raven Moon pack up north where the vineyards were. Everyone knew of them and their pack, quite infamous with rumors and stories. No wonder Hattie looked nervous, these guys weren't exactly known for their well-controlled tempers and sweet talk. Good gracious they were good looking, chiseled features, hard lines, eyes that have seen too much for a young age, identical scowls. I repressed the urge to smile at their irritation. A have a knack of finding humor in the wrong places at the wrong times.

Aiden was the eldest, he was the one arguing with Hattie, he radiated power, I could feel his energy trying to sense me and who and what I was. I didn't push back, instead I pulled my energy inward and blocked his energy from delving deeper, I saw his frown deepen in frustration. Julian was the middle and holding up his youngest brother. Julian was known for his reckless temper and lack of anger management skills. Similar to the Queen of Hearts, his solution to all problems was off with their heads. When in doubt, kill them. Got questions, kill them, then try to ask. Caspian was the youngest, and right now he was panting, beads of sweat on his forehead, holding his left arm close to his chest. The bandage smelled of blood... and poison.

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