Chapter 4- New Beginnings

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Aiden's POV

Someone was knocking on my bedroom door. I growled and looked down at my sleeping mate, they were going to wake her up! I rushed to the door and pulled it open, apparent irritation in my face.

"What?" I growled. My brothers and I had barely gotten any sleep. After Rose's magic stunt of whatever the hell she did, she passed out again, and in the rain this time. We haven't gotten rain in years, so that in itself was a surprise. We rushed her back home and dried her before tucking her in bed with us.

We felt power and energy, saw her glow as well as the old willow tree, but then she fainted. It was too dark to examine anything, so we rushed back home before she caught a cold.

"Forgive me, Alpha, but there's something you all need to see." Craven, my Beta said. He looked past me to my brothers who were also getting up and walking to the door. "I wouldn't disturb you if it wasn't important."

I looked back at my brothers then at Rose, they pulled the blanket over her before they got up. She was still sleeping very deeply. I didn't want to leave her, but I knew I had a responsibility to my pack.

"Make it fast." I said, following him out of the room. I wanted to get back to Rose as fast as possible.

Craven led my brothers and I to the back of the house and out the back door. It looked as if my entire pack was present. My father included. My Gamma ran up to us.

"Alphas, look!" Doric pointed out to the vineyard.

I looked past him and stopped in my tracks, Caspian sleepily ran into me and steadied himself with a hand on my shoulder, I felt his jaw dropped. Julian stopped breathing. We were all staring at the vineyard. The pack opened up and made a path for us.

Everything was green, miles and miles of greenery. Grapes bunches weighing down the branches that almost reached the ground. Grapes as big as fifty-cent pieces. I felt the leaves breathing, the soil rich and vibrating with life. My eyes traveled to the willow tree. Green and golden leaves draped down from its branches, shading everything in its vicinity. Birds were flying in and out from the branches, hiding in between the thick mass of leaves. Oh, dear Goddess.

"It's not just here." Craven came up next to me. "I had our scouts check our borders and perimeters this morning, it spreads throughout our entire territory." He waved his hand to the north of our lands. "They said that the river is flowing again, and the lakes are packed with fish." He pointed to the east. "The farm hands are telling me that their crops tripled in size and amount overnight, their animals are giving birth to twins and triplets." He turned to me. "Alphas, what is going on?"

Aiden, we can't say anything! Caspian said through mind-link.

Look around you, Cas, it's only a matter of time before other packs investigate us. Aiden replied.

He's right, Cas. Julian said. Better that the right people know so that we can protect Red better. This will definitely draw attention.

"Call a meeting with our security team." Aiden said to Craven. "Immediately."

Julian's POV

Our security team met in conference room. Dad was there surprisingly. He shaved and looked better than I had seen him in years. We asked Jonah to be present. I grabbed his arm to stop him from taking a seat yet.

"She told us everything." I whispered to him. His eyes widen but he remained silent. He nodded, I released him and he took a seat in the back.

I stood by Aiden, Caspian on his other side. Aiden addressed the group in his commanding voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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