Chapter 2- Blood and Silver

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Julian's POV

The drive was about an hour long, we went well out of our territory lines to find a clinic in neutral lands, but it was worth it. I kept glancing back at her car to make sure she was following us, I couldn't help it. My heart was racing the entire trip. I kept thinking she was going to veer off and change her mind. I knew Aiden kept glancing at his rear-view mirror for her car also. Caspian was the only one that was semi calm, probably from all the loss of blood the last few days.

I folded my arms together to keep them from tapping or fidgeting. I was never the patient one, I hated waiting. My wolf was demanding, wanting me to mark and mate her. It took all my control to push him down and tame him. I could feel him pacing inside me, like a tiger locked behind a cage.

"What if she can't help mom?" Caspian said, distracting me for a few minutes with his words.

"Then she can't." Aiden said simply. "It's a miracle with the state that she's in now, it's unheard of as it is. We are fortunate to even have Jonah." Jonah was a healer also, a good one, but there were things even he didn't know how to cure. Just like different people, every healer has their own specialty. You can't ask a plumber to do carpentry work. We were not sure what Rose's specialty was, but from what Aiden sensed, she was stronger than Jonah.

"How are we going to get her to stay with us?" I asked the loaded question that's been nagging my head. My brothers fell silent for a few minutes.

"We don't know what her situation is. If she has a family, or even has a boyfriend." Aiden said slowly. Immediately I felt my eyes turn black. Jealously, it was real and reared its head at his words. I'll kill any male that touches her, she was ours.

"We have to take it slow, learn about her, make her feel safe." Aiden continued.

"Our pack is small, we are not that strong." Caspian voiced out sadly. "She might not want to stay with someone so weak."

My heart sank. I knew our pack was small. We didn't have an official Luna, mom had been ill for years. Dad didn't rule anymore, he just spends all his time in his room with mom. We were weak without a Luna. We have managed to keep our lands from challengers so far. But the vineyards were dwindling, people were getting sick. Keeping our people protected was getting harder and harder each year. Not exactly getting a diamond in this relationship. Money wasn't easy anymore, there was still enough to survive, but definitely not enough to splurge. Our people were just holding on by our strength and hope. As long as my brothers and I could still protect and defend, we will until we die. Thank Goddess there are three of us.

I turned my head back again and breathed out as I saw her headlights still behind us. I knew a relationship with us wasn't going to be easy. Aiden was controlling and authoritative, I was hot headed and temperamental, Caspian was... well, I guess Caspian made up for all our faults.

"We will just have to wait and see, Cas." Aiden said encouragingly. "We have to trust in the Moon Goddess."

I saw Caspian nodded. I was less trusting of our Moon Goddess than my brothers. We've had too many ill-timed situations that left us in a worse state that we already were in. It was more than rounds of bad luck; it was more like a bad life. Between mom getting sick, dad isolating himself in his room with her, the challenge attacks, the fire, our lands not recovering, I was beginning to believe the Moon Goddess has forgotten us.

I was getting antsy, my wolf wanted to shift and run to burn some energy, maybe do some hunting. But my mate was minutes away from our home, and I'll be damned if I'm not there while she was there. I was getting agitated, I needed to smell her, her scent calmed me down.

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