Chapter 16

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Caspian slammed the door, it rebounded on the frame back open. The owner sat in the door, a bottle of ice tea by her side, the computer open.

Bewildered, she turned off the screen and spun around on the computer chair. Her long blonde chair cascading around her. The usual frilly clothes replaced with an oversized white shirt, making her look younger than she really was. Her heart tilt to one side, observing Caspian thoughtfully.

'You ok, sea?' her voice unusually rough.

The sound scratched Caspian, it was too close to the other...woman. Caspian walked with long strides across the room, covering the room in seconds, and took Ally in a big hug. He slumped to the ground in front of her, his head still in her lap.

Ally could only stare at the young man. She didn't know what to say, or what had brought on this affection.

Caspian finally spoke into her soft lap. 'I just saw your copy.'

Ally giggled, drawing Caspian's attention to her face, and opened her bright purple eyes wide. 'You sure she wasn't just very similar?'

Caspian kept his frown in place before her widening smile. 'She could be your clone, Ally. It was kinda wrong.'

Ally's smile faded away. Her body stilled, processing.

'She's younger?'

Caspian nodded, holding eye contact.


She nodded, unblinking.

'Interesting, but not wholly unexpected.' Ally finally replied.

'You don't sound surprised. Like this isn't massive news.' Caspian tried to keep his voice neutral but the end rose, his blue eyes sparkling with anger.

'Maybe it's not,' Ally replied without inflection. She didn't know why she did it, but as soon as it was done she regretted it.

Caspian pulled away from her, physically pushing himself off her, across the floor. Betrayal on his face.

'I wanted you to be freaked out like me, but you're acting all calm,' Caspian, always softly spoken, yelled at her. 'Maybe you're hiding secrets from me like Lucien?'

Ally, unsure of herself, and so unused to the feeling, floundered silently behind her large purple eyes. Fear gripped her suddenly, and she spoke without thinking.

'I can hear that strange song when you touch me.'

Horror filled Caspian's face. For a protracted moment he lay on the floor, propped up by his arms, a figure of dread and disbelieve.

'Sea-' Ally reached for her friend, regretting the past two minutes.

Caspian bolted upright, threw himself off the plush carpet and fled the room

'Boy, will Caspian be surprised!' Eddie said to himself, flush with pride at himself. He pulled out his old Nokia phone and dialled one of the few names on the phone. The sounds of the airport's coming and goings loud in his uncovered ear. He shivered against a blast of cold that blew from the constantly opening double doors.

The phone answered with a curt sound. Eddie thought he heard a girl sob in the background.

'John, bad time?'

'A little Eddie. How can I help you?'

Eddie grinned at his audacity as he spoke. 'You'll never guess where I am right now. According to the internet, if I get a taxi now, i'll see you in two hours!'

Upset and confused, Ally had run after Caspian but he was fitter than her. Despite her height, she was woefully unfit. Something she hadn't minded until this moment. Caspian's room was gone by the time she reached his room, his bag conspicuously not there. Not knowing what else to do, she ran to John's door and pounded on it mercilessly until the man, in a striped dressing gown, answered.

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