Chapter 20

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 Lucien and Audrey helped Caspian back to the University. The sun's rising light turned the sombre buildings into inviting places, the sky behind gradually changing dark purple to gold. Ally held the doors open for the trio, somehow knowing they were approaching. Audrey and Ally eyed each other wearily, identical faces peering with different eyes.

Together the young women dragged the nearly unconscious Lucien and Caspian to his room. Neither had recovered from the long night, Lucien's face still puffy with swelling and Caspian's puffy with tears.

John, immaculate as always, met the four in Caspian's room. Lucien and Caspian had been unceremoniously sprawled on the single bed, while Ally and Audrey talked quietly with bottles of ice tea held defensively between them. Lucien woke as John entered the room. The struggled to rise and face the older gentleman.

'Lucien Blackhole Black,' John spoke with a gravelly voice full. He nodded to the young black boy, knowing he'd standing orders to take the youth in, and had those orders for years.

'John Handler Smith,' Lucien nodded back, his discoloured face otherwise blank.

They stared at each other, sizing the other up. Lucien saw the controlled tension inside John, knowing well exercised muscle was under the grey suit. Experience told John as much about Lucien.

At that moment Caspian opened his own bright blues eyes, though foggy still.

'John, don't be mean to Lucien,' Caspian mumbled before rolling further into the bed. 'We talked it out. Dad liked him.'

He was asleep in seconds.

John, wanting to maintain his authority a moment longer, glared at the caramel skilled. This his chest deflated.

'Ally, did you not offer drinks to everyone?' John to Ally, crossed legged in the black computer chair, her white frilly nightdress covering most of her long body.

'I didn't want tea,' Lucien said quickly.

John eyed him with a frown. 'I'm surprised at that face, Mr. Black. You should have increased your healing to fix it by now. I'll get you a bag of something cold and a coffee. Wait here.' John walked off.

Lucien sat back onto the bed, air escaping his pursed lips. 'Does that guy un-stiffen, Ally?'
Ally laughed and shrugged. 'Not really. But he's not a bad guy. He won't 'warm up' but it gets easier. It only took me 5 years to get used to it.'

Audrey's melodious laugh ushered from her mouth unbidden. She blushed at herself, and sipped at the sweet cold tea to cover up her embarrassment.

'If John is Handler and Lucien is Black hole' what's my secret name?' Audrey asked with composure.

'You're the same as me, I would think. Operator,' Ally replied coolly,' I mean, what else would my copy be?'

'She is, but an upgraded version,' John said from the door. He walked into the room with a steaming cup of black coffee and an unopened bag of frozen peas. He handed both to Lucien with a meaningful look. Lucien obediently sipped at the coffee and placed the bag on the more bruised part of his face. He winched then sighed as the cold came in contact with the heat of his face.

'What does the title operator mean?' Audrey asked John, her voice low and smooth like a cat's purr. John was surprised by his physical response, but he hid it well.

'They're not titles, more designations relating to your base code,' John replied enigmatically.

'What's Caspian's designation?' Lucien said under the peas.

'Sea,' Ally said with a touch of pride.

John raised an eyebrow at her. She returned it with a bright smile. John could only shake his head.

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