Chapter Two

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"Hello? Mom?" Hope opened the door, looking around. Sirius went into the house, looking around.

"Organized as ever." Hope heard him mutter

"Yeah, you know my mom is really organized, right? She practically touches every room with her organization." Hope glanced at the perfectly straight, 90 angle, clown statures on the mantle that freaked her out every time she looked at them. At the moment, they seemed to be smiling at her, she'd quickly pull Sirius along.

She'd grab a pair of broken glasses, strange. Her mom never broke her glasses, and Hope was surprised she wouldn't clean up the mess.

"The only room she never seems to touch is your room." He'd snicked

"Hey! My room's clean enough!" Hope exclaimed

"Sure, sure." Sirius said, not looking very convinced

"Well, we are looking for my mom, not judging the quality of my bedroom. K? K." Hope said, annoyed

Hope and Sirius began looking around, checking the bedroom, kitchen, living room, even her bedroom, but she was nowhere to be found.

"Have you found my mom? I think I've checked the cabinets like... Five times now!" Hope exclaimed 

"Nope. I have no idea where she could be. Does she go out for groceries or something?"

"I mean, not when Mr. Blumiere comes. She's usually ready to go, and wouldn't go out for errands." Hope said, nervous.

"Uhm. What's that?" Sirius said, pointing to a note that was not originally there

Hope noticed a small note on the table, and she curiously picked it up.

'Greetings Hope.

I'm sure you are wondering... 'Where's my mom?' 

Well, she's with me. If you want her back, come find me.

Also, I hope you said farewell to your father, Sirius. 

Hint: 'Where does the dead baddies go?'


"What?! What does this mean?!" Hope exclaimed, looking at the paper if it would reveal more secrets. She began to worry, was this note a prank? She'd hand the note to Sirius, he began reading it with a bored expression, but it turned to panic as his phone began to ring. 

He'd press enter on the call, and I could hear Timpani on the other line.

"Sirius, I need you to come back here now. Your father is in the hospital."

Hope and Sirius looked at each other in disbelief.


Hope tentatively walked into Blumiere's room, I noticed he looked scared, as he glanced towards me.

"You were saying someone with a... hood attacked you with a knife in their hand... But they didn't use that knife to attack you? Right?" The police said, writing down notes, and looking very skeptical of what he was describing.

"Mr. Blumiere! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Just a big banged up, I was afraid I would die for a second there." Blumiere chuckled like this was a normal occurrence, which probably was with some of the people in the kingdom.

Sometimes, she'd see certain people in the town giving her mom nasty glare, even going as far as throwing a tin can at her, though they couldn't hurt her outright since she was protected under the authority of the Toadstool Kingdom, though Hope could tell it still made her mother sad. It did help pick out the people she shouldn't hang out with, but it still made her sad too to see how sad her mom looked.

"Hey, Do you know anybody by the name of 'D'?" Hope held out the note, and Blumiere took it, scanning it before glancing back up.

"No. But it says... It says Nassy is gone? Is that true?" Blumiere said, squinting at the letter in disbelief 

"Yeah. I need my mom back. Do you know where my mom could be?" Hope demanded

"Well...I think she's in the Underwhere."

"Underwear?!" Hope said, horrified 

"No. The Underwhere."

"Oh. That makes much more sense now." Hope said, embarrassed 

"Though, you shouldn't go because this person demands it. It's obvious they were the one trying to attack me, and it would be smart to let us figure it out first. You can stay with us until we find your mother."

"Okay thanks a lot. I'm glad you are okay, stay safe Mr. Blumiere " Hope said, but she was already thinking of how she'd get to the Underwhere. Nobody would keep her from getting her mother back.

"Alright." Blumiere looked worried, but Timpani rushed in worriedly. Hope took that time to step out, seeing Timpani start to fuss over her husband. Mimi and O'Chunks followed soon after, and she quickly stepped out of the way before heading out into the waiting room.

"Guys. I'm going to be leaving. You can't tell anybody, K?" Hope said

"What? Why're you leaving?" Audrey said, looking confused and worried

"I'm going to find my mom."

"Then I'll come with you, I'm your best friend!" Duncan exclaimed, getting up 

"Me too!" Audrey said, we all gave each other fist bumps with a smirk.

"Well... I'll come too." Lyra said glancing at Audrey.

"Seriously? What if we get lost, or hurt! Where are we even going?!" Sirius exclaimed 

"To the Underwhere place!" I'd exclaim

"The Underwhere?!" Sirius said, looking horrified 

"Yes, the Underwhere!" I stated again, grinning

"But... that's the place with all the bad guys." Sirius said, he looked kinda pale

"You don't have to come... We'll understand." Duncan said 

"No! No. There has to be someone to make sure you all stay in line." Sirius said

"Well, let's go then! Into the beyond!" Lyra exclaimed, putting her arm around Audrey as she pretended to gesture outwards. Audrey was blushing slightly at the touch.


"I didn't manage to kill Blumiere, but that's alright. I can finish him off later... When I finally get MY happy ending."

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