Chapter Eighteen

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Pain. Horror. Anger. Death. 

What do they mean? These words, flash through Hope's dreams repeatedly. Her mind tells her it is important, but she doesn't know what it means. A strange feeling is laced within these words, they do not feel of this dimension. Perhaps she would understand them one day. Somewhere.


Hope was excited, they had finally reached the end of the desert, and were soon entering the forest beyond. She could tell everyone felt she same way she did, they were so close to reaching their goal.

"What do you wanna do when we rescue your mom, Hope?" Audrey said, looking curious 

"Hm... Maybe I'll have a chocolate cake. What about you?" 

"I think I would like to not go on an adventure ever again, in all honesty." Audrey said

"Hah, same." Hope muttered

"Hey. Look it's some food." Lyra went over and picked some of the berries.

"Uhm. Lyra, you probably shouldn't be eating those-" Hope nervously said

Lyra promptly popped them into her mouth, Dimentio turned around and shook his head at her.

"Lyra... We don't know if those are poisonous!" Sirius exclaimed 

Lyra thought for a moment, pausing her chewing, before shrugging.

"I saw some animals eat from the bush." Lyra said

"That doesn't- erghh... You always do stuff like this, and then wonder why you get sick so often." Sirius said, irritated 

"No I don't!"

"Yes you do, you ate the mud pie I made when I was younger because you thought it was chocolate. You got sick from it!" Sirius exclaimed

"Hmm... Good point I guess." Lyra muttered, giving her brother a glance.

Sirius turned to Dimentio who was sniffing the berries, and looking towards Sirius.

"He says those berries were safe... For animals." Sirius said

"Oh... Uh oh." Lyra said, looking pale, Audrey gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder 

"It's okay. I've done some dumb things too." Audrey said, trying to reassure her, though it didn't seem to be that effective on Lyra.

"I guess we should figure out what do next for those berries. Hopefully they won't make her sick, let's just make camp here for now." Hope said, digging in the backpack Lyra bought.

She'd notice a bottle of medicine for headaches, sunburns, but nothing for poisoning. She'd pull out some crackers, giving it to Lyra.

"Try eating some of these."


It was falling night, and Hope gazed out into the stars. They were really close to their destination, and Hope was relieved that she would soon be able to have all this pain and misery over. 

Lyra had gotten sick, but luckily it wasn't bad, but Hope would have to keep an eye on her. Just in case.

She'd sit up, before digging in the basket, pulling out a dagger she had stolen. She had a strange feeling that she would need it, and she tucked it into the side of her boot, making sure it had a sheath so it wouldn't cut through her shoe.

"Hope? I didn't realize someone was awake." Duncan whispered

Hope noticed he was laying down near a tree, his glasses gleaming in the dark. She'd head over and sit next to him.

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