Chapter Eleven

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Hope stared down into the river, it didn't look friendly.

"Are those hands?" Audrey exclaimed, pointing at a pale shape in the river

"Yeah, I don't suggest going in unless you want to be dragged down and drown to your death by those Underhands." Dimento said, peering over. His tail bushed at the sight of Underhand nearby, he'd hiss at it, before walking away.

"We need four coins for the boat, unless you wanna swim."

Hope looked nervously down into the river and immediately searched her pockets, pulling out a piece of lint.

"I got nothing." Hope said, looking frustrated

"I got it!" Lyra pulled out a few coins triumphantly, Audrey smiling at her with admiration.

"Nice work Lyra." Audrey exclaimed

"Yeah, thanks." Lyra said, a bit flustered 

"Get a move on! I'm tired of standing here when I could be doing something more important." Dimento exclaimed, his whiskers twitching

"Don't be such a Debbie downer, Dimentio." Sirius said, Hope snickered, thinking of the irony.

"Boarding across the River Twygx!"  voice called out, the group immediately scrambled into the line, paid, and got on the boat.

"My name's Charold, I'll be taking you across today."

As he began to row, Sirius began to look out into the river, where ended in him scrambling back when he swore he saw something under the water.

"So. New souls eh? Getting ready to be judged?"

"Uhm. Yeah." Hope lied, exchanging glances with Sirius

"Good luck, I've heard that Queen Jaydes has gotten more stricter on who she lets into the Overthere." 

"Really? Why?" Audrey asked, confused

"Well, after a few prisoners broke out from the jail, she had started getting more crackdowns of the runners with her D-men. That's all the gossip I know."

"Intriguing. So they implemented it it seems after I ran." Dimentio muttered

"What? Implemented what?" Hope said, worried 

"Let's just say, it's best to find your friend, quickly." Dimento said


"For your usage of dark magic, and selfish purposes. You are sentenced to Bonechill's prison for all eternity. D-men, take him away."

"W-wait- No please don't do this to me. I didn't do anything that bad!" Duncan exclaimed, trying to struggle against the D-men holding him by the arms, dragging him off.

He'd watch as they began to go down, deep into the prison. He'd struggle harder when he noticed a small room. 

"Why're we doing this again?" One of the D-Men commented, eyeing the room door as he knocked on it lightly

"New program." The other one shrugged, before entering the room

It didn't look like anything special, a metal chair stood infront of Duncan and he immediately began to struggle again. 

"No. STOP! I DON'T WANT ANY OF THIS." He'd scream, kicking one of the D-men 

"Ow! Ugh, just put him in the chair." They latched him in, the injured one still holding his shin where Duncan had kicked him.

"Let's go."

Duncan watched as they left him in the white room, he'd glance around afraid.

He spotted a wall with keys, most likely to cells, but he froze when heard a noise.

"Hm. They're getting greedy. Well, can't blame them. It benefits me greatly." A voice chuckled

Duncan leaned toward the voice and realized it came from next to him, he'd eye it with nervousness.

"Well! Someone new to talk to. I was growing tired of all the other prisoners." The voice mused, Duncan froze when he saw what it was.

It seemed to shift every time he looked at it, it was what fueled nightmares. It soon settled on a form of Duncan, of himself. He'd try to transform, but it seemed he was stuck in this chair, there was no way to escape this chair.

"I like you. It will be fun to break down something new!" 

"What are you? Why're you doing this to me?"

"Nah. You don't ask questions here. But I'll oblige to a question. My name's J. I'm here to break down your mind! Isn't that great?" J said cheerfully

"Wait, why? What are you going to do to me?" Duncan exclaimed

"Something worse than physical scars, that's for sure." J said excitedly, before reaching towards Duncan.

Blumiere stood in front of a house, knocking on the door.

A man opened it, and he seemed to recognize them.

"Oh, Mr. L!" Mimi exclaimed, waving excitedly 

"What?... What do you want?" Luigi said nervously 

"We need your help." Timpani said, crossing her arms.

Luigi paused, as though thinking before looking surprised

"Hm. Alright, I guess you can come in." He'd decide after a moment

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