Chapter5: First Meet

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The anticipation in the meeting room was palpable, a buzz of excitement swirling around Namjoon, Tae, Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook as they gathered eagerly around the table. Their eyes sparkled with curiosity and intrigue, each of them unable to contain their excitement at the prospect of meeting the enigmatic newcomer, Yoongi.

As Yoongi stepped into the room, escorted by Seokjin, the crew members couldn't help but stare in awe at the sight before them. Yoongi's presence was like a breath of fresh air, his unique appearance captivating their attention and igniting their curiosity. With skin as pale as freshly fallen snow, his hair a deep shade of onyx, and eyes like pools of dark chocolate, Yoongi stood out amongst the diverse crew.

Seokjin guided Yoongi to a seat at the table, his smile warm and reassuring as he introduced him to the rest of the crew. "Everyone, this is Yoongi. He's the one we discovered in the cryo pod on the abandoned ship."

Each member of the crew greeted Yoongi with genuine smiles and nods of welcome, their eyes shining with curiosity and excitement as they took in his appearance. Yoongi felt a rush of nerves and excitement as he returned their greetings, his heart pounding with anticipation.

Seokjin settled into his seat beside Yoongi, his wings folding gracefully against his back as he addressed the group. "I believe it would be beneficial for us to share insights into our respective cultures and backgrounds. Understanding and respecting each other's differences will be crucial as we embark on this journey together."

The crew members nodded in agreement, their attention fully captivated as Yoongi began to speak. "Well, I hail from Mars originally," he started, his voice tinged with a mix of nostalgia and uncertainty. "It's a small colony nestled on the outskirts of the planet, a place filled with challenges and resilience."

As Yoongi shared glimpses of his life on Mars, the crew members listened intently, their curiosity piqued by his every word. They had never encountered someone from Mars before, and the opportunity to learn about a new culture filled them with excitement and intrigue.

Seokjin leaned forward, his expression curious as he inquired, "What was daily life like on Mars? Were there any interactions with other civilizations?"

Yoongi nodded, a faint smile gracing his lips as he recalled memories of his home planet. "Life on Mars was a constant struggle, but it forged a strong sense of community among us. Interactions with other civilizations were scarce, mostly limited to passing trade ships."

Tae, with his unique lilac skin and pointed ears, raised a hand to ask, "How did you cope with the thin atmosphere? Was it challenging to breathe?"

Yoongi nodded again, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. "The atmosphere on Mars was indeed thin, requiring us to wear specialized suits for survival. It was a constant reminder of the harsh realities of our environment."

Jimin, his eyes wide with curiosity, chimed in, "What kind of wildlife existed on Mars? Were there any indigenous species?"

Yoongi nodded, recalling the creatures that roamed the desolate landscapes of Mars. "There were some hardy species that adapted to the harsh conditions, but nothing quite like the diversity you find on Earth. Mostly, it was barren and unforgiving."

Hoseok, with a thoughtful expression, added, "What about the cultural customs and traditions on Mars? Did you have any unique celebrations or rituals?"

Yoongi nodded, grateful for the opportunity to share more about his home planet. "Our customs were shaped by the challenges we faced, emphasizing resilience and unity. We had festivals to celebrate the harvest and commemorate important milestones in our history."

As the conversation unfolded, each crew member took turns delving deeper into Yoongi's experiences, eager to understand more about his culture and background. Their questions were met with thoughtful responses, fostering a sense of connection and camaraderie among them.

Yet amidst the warmth and curiosity of the moment, a subtle undercurrent of mystery lingered in the air. Yoongi couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to the crew and their ship, a hidden layer waiting to be unveiled.

As the discussion drew to a close, Seokjin rose from his seat, his wings spreading elegantly behind him as he addressed the group. "Thank you, Yoongi, for sharing your story with us. Your insights have been invaluable, and I look forward to learning more as we journey together."

The crew members echoed their gratitude, their expressions filled with respect and appreciation. They had gained a newfound understanding of Yoongi and the world he came from, laying the foundation for a bond that would carry them through the adventures ahead.

With that, the meeting concluded, and the crew members dispersed to their respective tasks, their minds buzzing with thoughts and questions about the mysteries awaiting them. As Yoongi watched them go, a sense of excitement and anticipation washed over him, knowing that he was embarking on a journey filled with endless possibilities, with friends who felt like family by his side.

Going to publish chapter 6 soon
Stay safe
ILY bye>✨

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