Chapter 6:Alienataed

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In the quiet corridors of the ship, Yoongi's footsteps echoed softly against the metallic floor. He hadn't seen the crew since yesterday and he missed them even though he would not admit it out loud. He had been wandering aimlessly, his mind consumed by a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The weight of his own uncertainty pressed down on him, each step feeling heavier than the last. Despite the warmth and camaraderie of the crew, a growing sense of unease settled within him, like tendrils of mist creeping through his thoughts.

As Yoongi made his way towards the common area, the hum of the ship's engines provided a steady rhythm to his thoughts. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was on the cusp of something unknown, something that would irrevocably change the course of his journey. With each passing moment, the gap between him and his companions seemed to widen, casting him adrift in a sea of unfamiliarity.

Entering the common area, the chatter of the crew enveloped Yoongi like a warm blanket, but it only served to accentuate his sense of alienation. They welcomed him with smiles and nods, their voices blending together in a symphony of familiarity. Yet, as Yoongi listened to their conversations, he couldn't help but feel like an outsider. The topics they discussed seemed foreign to him, like tales from a distant land.

Tae boasted about surviving on a diet of raw fish and algae, while Jimin reveled in tales of his adventures navigating the ship's ventilation system for fun. Yoongi, accustomed to a more conventional diet and pastimes, felt like an outsider looking in.He forced a smile and took a seat at the table, trying to engage in the conversation, but the more he listened, the more he felt disconnected. The crew's nocturnal habits, their unconventional tastes and pursuits, all served to magnify Yoongi's sense of isolation. He longed to find common ground, but with each passing moment, it seemed to slip further from his grasp.As the conversation drifted to sleeping habits, Yoongi's confusion deepened. He couldn't fathom how they thrived on so little sleep while he struggled to function without his full eight hours. "Do you all eat the same food too?" he interjected, hoping to find some semblance of familiarity. The crew exchanged puzzled glances before Namjoon chuckled, "Nah, we have quite the variety here. You'll get used to it." But Yoongi couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider in their world.The crew's reaction to Yoongi's revelations about his sleep and dietary preferences was met with a mixture of astonishment and concern. "Seven to eight hours of sleep? Are you sure you're okay?" Hoseok asked, his brow furrowed in genuine worry. "And you eat... what, cooked food?" Seokjin added, his voice tinged with disbelief. The crew's dramatic reactions only served to deepen Yoongi's sense of alienation, as if he was a puzzle they couldn't quite solve.

As the conversation continued, Yoongi's unease grew, his mind swirling with unanswered questions. Why did he feel so out of place among the crew? What secrets lay hidden beneath the surface of their seemingly ordinary lives? The air crackled with a palpable tension, a sense that something mysterious lurked just beyond the edges of Yoongi's understanding.

Lost in his thoughts, Yoongi barely noticed when Namjoon approached him, a concerned look in his eyes. "Hey, Yoongi, are you okay?" Namjoon's voice cut through the haze of Yoongi's thoughts, pulling him back to the present moment. Yoongi blinked, his mind struggling to focus as he looked up at Namjoon.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Yoongi replied, forcing a smile. But even as the words left his lips, he knew they were hollow. The sense of unease that had plagued him since he had stepped foot on the ship still lingered, gnawing at his insides like a hungry beast.

Suddenly, a loud noise reverberated through the ship, shattering the fragile peace of the moment. Yoongi's heart pounded in his chest as he looked around, searching for the source of the disturbance. But the crew remained still, their eyes fixed on him with a mixture of confusion and concern. "Did you hear that?" Yoongi asked, his voice trembling with fear. But as he glanced around the room, he realized he was the only one who had heard it.Before anyone could respond, a strange sensation washed over Yoongi, as if reality itself was unraveling around him. He closed his eyes, trying to steady himself against the dizzying whirlpool of emotions.

When he opened his eyes, the room felt different, as if it had shifted in some imperceptible way."What's happening?" Yoongi demanded, his voice barely above a whisper. Seokjin stepped forward, his expression grave as he addressed Yoongi. "I think you were slipping into hibernation ," he said, his words sending a shiver down Yoongi's spine. "And I think it's time we had a serious conversation about what that means." Yoongi's breath caught in his throat, a thousand questions racing through his mind as he stared into the abyss of the unknown.

I will post a next chapter tomorrow or tonight
Bye love you

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