Chapter 3: Awakening (2)

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Seokjin checked Yoongi's heart rate with a heavy sigh, his gaze lingering on the unconscious form before him. "He's under again," he muttered, his voice tinged with a mixture of concern and resignation. Glancing toward Joon, who stood by his side, Seokjin couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief. "I still can't believe he survived this long," Namjoon remarked, his tone tinged with incredulity as he ran a hand through his dark maroon hair, a perplexed furrow marring his brow.

Their eyes drifted back to Yoongi, his pallid complexion and emaciated frame a stark testament to the ordeal he had endured. Despite the ravages of his condition, his heartbeat remained steady, a beacon of resilience amidst the surrounding uncertainty. "This is honestly beyond everything I've ever learned or seen," Seokjin admitted, his gaze lingering on Yoongi's prone form with a mixture of awe and bewilderment.

With a gentle touch, Seokjin extended a hand toward Yoongi's middle, a soft glow emanating from his palm as he initiated the delicate process of healing. His species possessed innate abilities of restoration, honed over generations to navigate the intricacies of physical ailment. "Other than severe malnutrition and muscle deterioration, he's a perfect... whatever he is," Seokjin remarked, his brow furrowing in contemplation as he surveyed Yoongi's enigmatic form.

Namjoon mirrored Seokjin's perplexity, his expression a mirror of bemused curiosity as he pondered the mystery that lay before them. "What was it that he said to you? Ahn-gael? I'll look that up, maybe it's something important," Namjoon suggested, his fingers flying across the interface of his holo pad in search of answers amidst the vast expanse of digital knowledge.

Seokjin nodded in agreement, acknowledging the merit of Namjoon's inquiry as he continued his ministrations, a silent vow to unravel the enigma of Yoongi's origins. "Good idea. If anything, it might help us find his native language. Hopefully, it's in the translator chip database," Seokjin murmured, his thoughts consumed by the tantalizing prospect of unlocking the secrets hidden within Yoongi's fractured memories.

The soft chime of the med bay door interrupted their contemplation, drawing their attention to the figure that entered with tentative steps. Taehyung's presence infused the room with a gentle warmth, his lilac-hued skin and bright aquamarine eyes a soothing balm amidst the uncertainty that hung in the air. "How's space boy doing?" Taehyung inquired, his voice a comforting lilt amidst the somber atmosphere of the med bay.

Seokjin offered Taehyung a reassuring smile, his gratitude evident in the soft curve of his lips as he acknowledged the genuine concern in Taehyung's gaze. "He was awake for only a moment, but was pretty much incoherent. Joonie-ah is trying to research what he said to find his language, maybe where he's from," Seokjin explained, his tone laced with a mixture of hope and trepidation.

Taehyung's expression softened with empathy as he approached Yoongi's bedside, his movements deliberate as he draped a large cloth over the unconscious figure. The fabric enveloped Yoongi like a protective embrace, shielding him from the sterile chill of the medical bay with its comforting warmth. "Thought he might be a little cold... I dunno, wanted to help," Taehyung explained, his cheeks tinted with a delicate hue of violet as he glanced at Seokjin for reassurance.

Seokjin's smile widened at Taehyung 's thoughtful gesture, a swell of fondness warming his heart as he reached out to squeeze Taehyung 's hand in silent appreciation. "That was very thoughtful, Tae, thank you," Seokjin murmured, his gratitude palpable in the gentle pressure of his touch as he conveyed his appreciation to his compassionate crewmate.

Tae returned Seokjin's smile with a shy grin of his own, his aquamarine eyes sparkling with genuine warmth as he nodded in acknowledgment. "I hope he wakes up soon..." Tae whispered, his voice tinged with a note of quiet longing as he cast a lingering gaze upon Yoongi's still form, a silent prayer for his swift recovery.

Seokjin's gaze softened with understanding, a shared sentiment reflected in the depths of his eyes as he reached out to place a comforting hand on Tae's shoulder. "Me too. He's okay now, out of danger. We just have to wait until he's ready," Seokjin reassured, his voice a gentle reassurance amidst the uncertainty that loomed over them like a shadow.

As the moments stretched on, a palpable tension hung in the air, the med bay suffused with a quiet anticipation as the crew awaited Yoongi's awakening. Each passing second felt like an eternity, fraught with unspoken hopes and fears as they stood vigil by his bedside, united in their shared desire for his recovery.


And then, as if in response to their silent prayers, Yoongi stirred once more, the veil of unconsciousness gradually lifting to reveal a world anew. His awareness of his surroundings deepened, the lingering ache in his body serving as a stark reminder of the trials he had endured.

The low hum of medical equipment filled the air, a steady rhythm punctuated by the occasional beep as Yoongi's senses slowly acclimated to his surroundings. With each passing moment, clarity returned to him, dispelling the remnants of confusion that had clouded his mind.

Summoning his resolve, Yoongi attempted to move, only to be met with a sharp pang of pain that rippled through his side. A gasp escaped his lips, a sharp intake of breath as he struggled against the relentless grip of agony that threatened to engulf him.

In his desperation, Yoongi's movements grew frantic, his attempts to rise thwarted by the debilitating weakness that still held him in its grasp. With a futile effort, he sought to orient himself, his gaze darting about the unfamiliar surroundings in search of answers.

It was then that he became aware of the presence beside him, a figure cloaked in white standing vigil over his bedside with a solemn expression. Their eyes met, a silent exchange of understanding passing between them as Yoongi sought solace in the midst of his uncertainty.

But as Yoongi's gaze traveled upward, his breath caught in his throat at the sight that greeted him....... Wings, so he wasn't dreaming. They were Impossibly large and majestic, and arched gracefully from the figure's back, their iridescent feathers shimmering in the soft light of the med bay.

The realization struck Yoongi like a bolt of lightning, igniting a spark of primal fear within him as he struggled to comprehend the surreal sight before him. "What the fuck..." he whispered hoarsely, his voice trembling with a mixture of awe and disbelief. "Where am I... what's going on..."


That took some editing all right!
But I'm glad I finished this chapter
Going to write chapter 4 as soon as possible
Thuqr❤️ Stepping out!

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