Back in my pack

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The journey from California to Europe was a long and exhausting one. It took us over twelve hours to arrive in Norway, and by that time, I was already thinking of different ways to torture my parents.

My head was killing me, and I couldn't get a decent sleep since my mother kept on waking me up every few minutes. She has this thing about us not falling asleep while traveling, that we should stay alert at all times, but damn if I'm tired, what the heck am I supposed to do?

We packed a lot to eat. The only problem was that we had to stop and find a bathroom every hour or so. My mom's bladder was that weak. She kept on mumbling that it was my fault, but I didn't see how it was. Dad and I were perfectly fine. We could just pee on the side of the road if we wanted to.

I heard that the former Alpha and Luna for my pack had stepped down and handed the title over to his six sons. I don't understand why we needed to have that many Alphas, but I guess it has to do with them not having a beta or gamma, so they played the role of every available title.

“Get ready, baby, we are almost there.” I groaned when Mom said that. I was tired as hell. My neck was killing me, and not to mention my ass. I had to try to shift once in a while just to find some kind of relief. Who in their right mind thought of this road trip? Oh, it was me.

But, did they have to listen to me, though? Half of what I say sometimes results in nonsense. So, it came as a shock when Mom and dad agreed that we should go on a road trip.

Now, I was regretting it all.

I even threatened to open the door and shift so that I could run the rest of the journey in my wolf form. One pointed look from dad had me zipping my mouth shut as I started thinking about something else.

I even took my phone out and played Candy Crush at one point, just so that I won't get bored. Mom and dad were singing Island in the stream by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton. Let me tell you something, if they were to enter a talent show, the judges would probably get their asses arrested and thrown into the deepest part of the ocean. They were that bad!

Eventually, the truck came to a halt, and I breathed a sigh of relief that I was finally here, and I could get a proper rest.

I peeked out and saw that the six identical boys were already waiting for us, with their parents. Marcus and Manny were also waiting, I could tell that they were excited as well as high.

Rolling my eyes, I got out and got ready to meet the devils from the pit of hell.

Micah (BxB) Where stories live. Discover now