A new resolve

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I stood there, stunned, replaying Mom's words in my head. Her frustration and worry cut deeper than any injury I'd ever sustained. I knew she was right, but I wasn't ready to admit it.

I walked upstairs to my room, flopping onto the bed. Staring at the ceiling, I let out a frustrated groan.

Why was everything spiraling out of control?

Training was supposed to make me stronger, more disciplined, but instead, it felt like it was tearing me apart.

Theo stirred within me, trying to soothe my troubled thoughts.

'She's only looking out for us, Landon. You need to listen to her.'

'I know, Theo,' I muttered aloud, rubbing my temples.

'But I just feel so… lost.' I replied while groaning.

A soft knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts.

“Can I come in?” It was Dad. I sat up, straightening myself as he entered.

He closed the door behind him and took a seat on the edge of my bed.

“I heard your mother talking to you,” he began, his tone gentler than hers had been. Than it had been before when he was trying to make me stop.

“She's right, you know. But I also know it's not easy, what you're going through.” I looked at him, surprised.

Dad was usually all about tough love and discipline. Seeing this side of him was unexpected.

“I just… I don't know how to handle it all. The training, the expectations, the… everything.” I said. Dad nodded his head in understanding.

“When I was your age, I struggled too. It's a lot of pressure, especially with Jacob set to be the alpha king, and he's also your best friend. But you need to find a balance, Landon. Training is important, but you just have to find something else that you also enjoy.” Dad said.

“I just feel like I'm failing everyone,” I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper.

“You're not failing anyone,” Dad reassured me.

“But you do need to make some changes. Your mother isn't wrong about the girls, either. You have to be more responsible. Respectful.” I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat.

“I get it, Dad. I really do. But how do I fix it?” I asked, wanting nothing more than to make this right.

“Start by talking to Alpha Jonathan about your training. Get him to lessen it, and then you can focus on other things. If this is what you really want, then your mother and I will support you.” I knew he was right. It wouldn't be easy, but it was necessary.

“Thanks, Dad,” I said, feeling like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. This is exactly the kind of talk that I needed to hear. Dad patted my shoulder and smiled.

“Remember, we're here for you, son. We just want what's best for you.”

As he left my room, I took a deep breath, determination settling in.

Tomorrow, I'd talk to Alpha Jonathan and take the first step towards getting back on track. It was time to prove to myself and everyone else that I could be the beta this pack deserved.

I had years left before I could prove to everyone that I was made for this. I was taking over the beta position at eighteen.

I couldn't wait for that day to come.

No more messing around with girls that meant nothing to me.

If that's what it takes, then I will do it. I will search for my mate when I'm eighteen. No one is going to stop me from getting what's mine.

Then, I will have someone to control.

That's what I sought the most. If he or she doesn't want to listen to what I say, then I promise I will not be held responsible for what I will do.

The evil side of me loves this and couldn't wait to find my mate. I'll wait, though. I have all the time in the world.

Micah (BxB) Where stories live. Discover now