They're Coming With Us

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The chapter begins with Oscar standing behind the corner of the building with his pistol at the ready. He quickly jumps out into the street and points his weapon at a pale-skinned woman with gold-brownish eyes and pale white hair wearing a black long-sleeve shirt and beige cargo shorts.

"Whoa! Hey! Don't shoot!" The girl exclaimed in alarm as she raised her hands up. In her right hand, she was holding a news camera.

Jaune leaned forward to get a better view of the girl. "Hey, isn't that-"

"Hey!" A woman's voice yells.

Yang widened her eyes in shock. "Is that...??"

Oscar turns around with his weapon still out and finds himself face-to-face with a beautiful woman with long black hair, a light red button-down shirt, black jeans and is holding a gun out too. Oscar stares at her in amazement. It was his old companion, Ruby Rose.

"Ruby?!" Summer exclaimed, surprised to see her daughter here again.

"What is she doing here?!" Tai questioned, shocked.

"Oscar? What the hell are you doing here?" Ruby asked, surprised.

"Ruby?" Oscar said, confused. Suddenly, the camera girl quickly gets behind Oscar, twisting his arm behind his back and slams him to the ground.

"Lisa, don't!" Ruby yells at the woman, who is named 'Lisa'.

"Wait, you know this guy?" Lisa asked her, still pinning Oscar on the floor.

"Yeah. This is Drake." Ruby introduced as Lisa gets off of Oscar and helps him up.

"Oh. Sorry." Lisa said, apologetically, to Oscar, who waves his hand as a gesture that he was okay. He was rubbing his arms, slightly in pain.

"Okay, back up." Qrow called out. "Why is my niece here with some random woman."

"I think that's Lisa, the news reporter." Jaune said. 

"Yeah, that's good and all but why is Ruby here??" Yang asked.

"So, what's your angle on all this misery? You gonna plunder a few temples? Loot the museum?" Ruby asked, snidely, to Oscar.

"Good to see you too." Oscar said as Ruby opens a small pocketbook. "I suppose you're here for some noble crusade, right?

"Actually, we're trailing a fugitive war criminal. Adam Taurus, you ever heard of him?" Ruby asked, curiously.

"She's trailing me??" Adam questioned, frowning. "This woman got a death wish??"

Yang could see now. Her sister tailing a war criminal?? She might get hurt in the process. Or worse. She doesn't want to go through that again.

"Has she lost her mind?!" Weiss questioned in disbelief.

"Yeah, I don't want to see Ruby getting hurt again!" Jaune said, concerned.

"Ain't that NATO's job?" Oscar asked.

"Well they think that he's dead. Killed in some bombing raid." Ruby replied.

"Oh, and you're here to prove otherwise." Oscar said.

"That's suicidal." Yuma said.

"Yeah, last time they were down Adam, the girl got killed in the process." Trifa said, nodding.

"You know what? This guy's a real monster, Oscar." Ruby said with a serious expression. "We're talking torture, mutilation, mass execution..." 

"You expect us to be scared??" Mercury asked with a deadpanned expression. "This guys commited genocide against his own people to start a war."

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