Keep Moving

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The chapter begins in a light rain where Oscar and Blake are getting behind a wall where they find Lisa leaning against it and Ruby beside him. 

"We better keep moving." Oscar said to them.

"She's hit." Ruby said as she pointed towards Lisa, who was holding her side. Oscar kneels down beside the injured journalist and sees her clutching her side where a nasty bullet wound is.

Ruby winced. "Is she gonna be okay??"

"She's been shot, Ruby." Weiss points out. "They're gonna need to patch her up and take her to a hospital."

"I'm okay..." Lisa assures, weakly.

"Okay, my ass. You've been shot." Yang said, concerned.

"Alright, you're gonna be fine. Think you can stand?" Oscar asked.

"I think so..." Lisa said.

"You guys better hurry, because more soldiers will be coming soon." Jaune warns.

"Aright, c'mon, I'll help you -" Oscar said as Lisa puts one arm over his shoulders as Oscar helps her to stand. Ruby reaches for Lisa's camera.

"No, leave that. It's busted anyway." Oscar said, shaking his head.

"Yeah, no more carrying cameras this time." Coco said, nodding.

"Here we go -  up.' Oscar said as he helps Lisa stand up and they stumble forward.

"Oscar-" Ruby said, worriedly.

"He's fine, aren't you, chief?" Oscar said to Lisa. He turns to Blake. "Alright, get that door open." 

"He's never gonna make it, we have to leave him!" Blake said.

"What?!" Ruby exclaimed, shocked.

"You can't just abandon her!" Velvet shouted.

"You gotta at least try saving her!" Flynt said, serious.

"Get the door open, Blake!" Oscar yells.

"Right now!" Neon yells.

"You're going to get us all killed!" Blake said, angrily, as she kicks the door to the courtyard open and walks through it. 

"What's gotten to my daughter??" Kali questioned, shocked and disbelief.

"I have no idea, dear." Ghira said, holding his wife close. He and his wife were told by Blake that she was a coward and would run away. Yet, this is the very first time they've seen her like this.

Oscar starts helping Lisa through the streets in the rain. "Alright, buddy. Let's go." Just then, several armed men appear on a nearby bridge and shoot down at them. "Crap!"

"C'mon!" Blake said as she kicks open a nearby door of a building.

"Go, Oscar! I'll cover you!" Ruby said as she raised her pistol and fired at some of the soldiers. Oscar helps Lisa through the nearby building. 

"Okay, we gotta get outta here. Let's go!" Blake said.

"Do they even know where they're going?" Marrow asked, concerned.

"Right now, the main focus is to find shelter." Clover said.

"Ruby, barricade the door!" Oscar orders.

"Got it!" Ruby said as she pushes a bookshelf in front of the door behind them. They exit the building and get back on the street. Lisa struggles to stand up.

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