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The chapter begins with Oscar and Ren running into the part of the village that hasn't been damaged yet. People are running around trying to evacuate. They find Ruby trying to comfort some children.

Summer sigh, relieved. "Thank god Ruby is okay."

"But where's Oobleck?? I don't see him anywhere." Tai noticed.

"Thank God..." Oscar said, relived.

"Oh, Oscar..." Ruby said, worried.

"What happened?" Oscar asked.

"It's Taurus. They found us." Ruby replied.

"Sumi?" Ren asked as he speaks Tibetan.

"She's with Oobleck on the other side." Ruby replied as he speaks Tibetan as well.

"So he and the little girl are alright?" Nora asked, concerned.

"For now. That is until Adam and his men don't reach the other side." Ren said, thinking.

"They have to hurry before it's too late." Pyrrha said, worried.

"Alright, let's help them defend." Oscar said.

"Oscar, this is our fault. We did this." Ruby said with regret.

"Ruby, it's no one's fault." Weiss said, firmly. "You couldn't have known they would come."

Oscar nodded. "Yeah, if it's me they want, they'll come and get me."

"It doesn't matter right." Clover said. "All that matters, is defending the villagers home."

"Still, I could have never imagined that someone would destroy anyone's home over a treasure." Marrow said, frowning.

"All right - just stay here and keep them safe." Oscar said. He then looks at Ren. "Come on!" They both pull out their weapons and run into a building. They come out the other side and find some villagers with guns fighting Adam's men.

"Get back inside! Get inside!" Oscar shouts as he makes his way in front of the villagers and faces the soldiers.

They open fire at him and he fires back. He and Ren push down the street killing any invaders in their way. They reach another street where a machine gun turret is mounted on a roof. They take cover and Oscar flanks around. He gets behind the building and throws a grenade on the roof, taking out the turret. He and Ren approach a doorway going under a building. A soldier with a rocket launcher fires at the building and debris falls in the doorway, blocking their path.

"Not goin' that way." Oscar muttered.

"Better find another path." Yang said.

Oscar and Ren take cover as the rocket guy fires again. Ren distracts him as Oscar takes him out. They keep moving moving through the village. They enter another house and shoot the soldiers in it. Then they go up onto the roof where more armed villagers fighting more soldiers on other nearby rooftops. Oscar shoots down a trooper with a grenade launcher and uses it against another trooper with a chain gun. Soon they clear the area of enemies.

"That should be all of them here." Oscar said as he and Ren move down from the rooftops and find Ren's house. He opens the door and they find it deserted.

"Sumi?" Ren calls out, speaking Tibetan. They go to the top floor and run out onto a balcony. Ren turns to Oscar and speaks Tibetan.

"What?" Oscar asked, still not understanding.

Ren speaks again as he motions for the binoculars. Oscar gives it to him and he looks out. Ren speaks Tibetan as he points to a spot in the village. "Oobleck..."

"Did they find Oobleck??" Glynda asked.

"It would appear." Ozpin said.

Oscar looks through the binoculars and sees Oobleck hiding with Ren's daughter, Sumi in a building. 

"There they are." Ironwood said, relieved. "They're safe for now."

Suddenly, a large tank drives up in front of the building.

"Holy shit!" Oscar shouted, shocked.

"Tank!" Marrow warned.

"Get out of there!!" Harriet yelled.

The tank's turret turns and aims at oscar and Ren's direction. "Oh crap. Jump!" Oscar yells as he and Ren quickly leap off the balcony as the tank fires. They hit the ground as the balcony blows up. They get up and see the tank coming their way.

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